My book has been published in France in August. I wonder: is it better to make translation in english first or should i take an agent first?
My book has been published in France in August. I wonder: is it better to make translation in english first or should i take an agent first?
It is about Leonardo, the Mormon church, the Medici, art history...
I can share a part of it but in french???
I don't know... but...
I would think that most agents like to see things like a summary and a few chapters at the start. Therefore maybe a practical idea would be to check out the instructions from the agents you are looking at and then, if the usual requirement is say for 3,000 words or the first three chapters, get a translation to fit at least one of those. This shouldn't cost you so much up front and will not waste material if it doesn't get taken up. (Of course - being positive - it will be snapped up :-) but it's still handy to keep first costs down).
What is your book about? May we see part of it here as "shared work" please?