I'm a brand new member and one of the main reasons that I've chosen to join this community is down to the fact that although, after quite a long time, I have almost finished my first draft of my first novel (currently around 90,000 words), I have absolutely no professional experience when it comes to writing; the closest I got to a degree was a A* English at GCSE level and I'm terrified that all the hard work and passion that I've put into it will be destroyed with one rejection letter after another. Because from what I've read about agents, it is highly unlikely they will even pick up my manuscript.
Is there anyone out there who may be able to provide me with any advice or suggestions as to how I am may improve my chances of attracting an agent?
I would appreciate any comments, Sarah Lee
Lily I think I have only had one letter from an agent and two emails from magazines which explained why my manuscript and article wasn't suiteable for them. The others have been brief. I think it is because their time is taken up by so many other things to do. At least I got a reply from them.
I'm in the same boat. 63000 words are currently sat waiting for me to send them to an agent, when I finally get one. I have just this minute posted them for a mid-way review on this site... maybe you could consider doing the same!
Thank you for all your advice and Louise for explaining the 'zines' - clearly I need to get down with the writers lingo!
I will take a look at the website and work on thickening my skin!