Looking for an Agent

by Suvendu Tripathy
5th February 2021

I have finished writing my book.  It is a a novel with 75000 words.

Areas of interest


Hi Suvendu,

Congratulations on finishing your book! If you're looking for a literary agent to represent your work, here are a few suggestions on getting started:

- Look in the back of books you love and that are a similar genre to your own manuscript. In the Acknowledgements, most authors always mention their agent so this is a useful way of getting an idea of which agents might be interested in looking at your work
- The W&A Yearbook is a great resource for finding all of the agencies in one place, but that's not to say that the internet - and all the free information it contains - isn't an equally important tool! Every agency has a website and most agents have individual profile pages. The onus is on you as the writer - the person who knows their story best - to do the necessary research on agents. Create a list of agents who you think would be a good fit
- Submission documents: for fiction, most agents will ask you submit the first three chapters of your novel, a covering letter and synopsis
- Targeted submissions: don't email every agent on your list all at once. Best practice is usually to submit in small batches, between 5-7 agents (this is not a fixed number!) at a time. This is because you may get feedback, which could help improve your novel before sending it out to other agents.

Useful articles:
What Should a Covering Letter Include - https://www.writersandartists.co.uk/advice/what-should-a-covering-lette…



Best of luck!

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