After an illness of nine months I've only just come back to writers and artists website. They're clearly doesn't seem to be many people using this site lately.
Looking through peoples shared work I can see that not many people get much support or comments. Some people have a handful of comments some have one or two some go without a single comment.
What's your reasoning for not commenting on a shared work? Do you only comment on people that comment back to you or is it if the subject suits then you feel fit to leave a comment. My reason... I try not to be judgemental when I am no expert myself.
I tend to comment only if I have something constructive to say. I figure that just saying 'I like it' is as unhelpful for someone as saying 'I don't like it'.
Yep for me its a combination of time and not commenting if I don't like something at all (I'm happy to put my two penneth in but if I don't click with it then its a personal thing). Also, most of us take a lot of time and effort before sharing our work, so if I come across a piece that has obviously lacked care then I won't bother to read it!
Pablo I'll give you a comment!
I wasn't arguing - just commenting ;o)