Self publishing

by Gary Chase
22nd February 2021

Hello all

I have written and illustrated a children's book, now it is being proof read so by the end of the week I should be in a position to move on. The book needs ISBN numbers of course, Whichever publisher I would choose, say IngramSparks, they charge $49 to upload the files. What happens then? I can't see anywhere! 


Hi Gary,

If you're self-publishing, I would definitely recommend you check out the Alliance of Independent Authors. They are a professional business membership organisation for self-publishing authors, but provide trusted advice, supportive guidance, and a range of resources.

They have detailed information on next steps - and offer a range of free and paid-for advice, depending on whether you're a member or not.

W&A have also published a guide to Self-Publishing, which is full of practical, nuts-and-bolts information on each aspect of the DIY-publishing process, from editing and page layout, cover design and book production, publicity and selling. Each chapter is written by publishing professionals expert in supporting authors and is full of insights from successful self-published authors themselves.…

In terms of more immediate help with this, might I ask what you're referring to when you say you can't see what happens next? Are you referring to the IngramSparks website?

All best,
W&A Admin

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