I am interested to know how other people write. For example, I find the way that works best for me is handwriting my book and then re-drafting it on the computer. I know lots of people write books in very different ways, I'd be interested to hear about any other users ways of writing. Thanks!
Most the time I write of paper first, type it up then edit it, but a few times I have written a chapter on to computer.
I do my writing in the form of a notebook and then transfer to my Laptop when I am taking down my notes I record them onto a dictating machine then I play it back to myself.
I do a bit of both writing on the computer and handwriting, whichever I feel like doing at the time. I find handwriting makes me more focussed. Also my novel on my computer is in order, whereas when I handwrite I'll write sections in different orders. Hardly any of my novel has been written in sequence! I find it much more prodcutive to write the sections that I want to write at the time and when I have the ideas for those sections.