Have any of you ever had a friend or a work mate who also writes, and knowing that you like to write, they like to make you feel as if you can't write at all and like to act as if they are something better than you?
I don't know what to do because this person is really effecting my writing and I feel too self conscious now to write at all because she always tries to make me feel as if I have no talent.... :( Any advice on how to deal with such a person?
Thanks! :)
Hi. I haven't been in this situation with writing, but I certainly was with maths. I never did quite recover from it later on, but what I have managed to do is keep said person in my head with a view to one day writing a version of them into a story in which they meet some kind of sticky end - without, of course, the real person ever being identified and having a major makeover beforehand.
I suppose that's one of the best bits about being a writer - you can deal with your (highly altered) people problems on the page by dropping a piano on them from a great height if you feel so inclined.
Just who is this person to make judgement on your ability? Nobody has the right to make you feel unworthy about yourself or your writing.
It's easy to say ignore this person, but maybe try not to share your work with them. And then when you're published make sure to send them an invitation to your launch, or better still, a signed copy!
this is slightly off track, but recenlty on a writing course, a reviewer attacked my person as opposed to criting my work. I was quite upset and spoke to my mentor, who is a published author. He said that it doesn't matter how famous you are, people are always gong to be cruel, and you have to learn to let it go over your head. good advice and something I try to be aware of.
If you can converse you can write.