Writing Numbers

by Christophoros Demetriou
25th February 2012

Ok, here is something I was wondering about, writing numbers in a story.

I remember once I saw somewhere it was best to actually write the numbers, as in one, two, three etc as oppose to 1, 2, 3.

I decided to do that with my story as well, but the problem is, at some point of my story there are a lot of numbers mentioned continuously.

When I read those chapters, I always feel it is tiring to have to read the numbers again and again. To make matters worst, the numbers are in the thousands.

So I keep getting whole paragraphs saying things like

“One thousand five hundred and seventy four for John, one thousand seven hundred and thirty eight for Bob…” and so on. This happens a lot, and as I said I feel and looks wrong, and it will definitely tire the reader out.

Is it wrong to write them using numerals? Or is it just a matter of choice, preference and practicality?

I know you shouldn’t write “room 1 needs tea,” but can’t I say “John’s car hit 300 miles per hour before it crashed?”

Actually, now that I mentioned it, miles per hour, can’t I also shorten that to mp/h? or km/h if am talking about kilometres?

What do you think? Have you ever had a similar problem? What do you do?


Victoria I can't :P but no worries.

I get the mp/h thing, but the writing the full numbers ....

I can see why I should write them in full, and most of the time someone is talking, saying those numbers :(

What Mark suggested might work for me.

I can write John you scored 1458 points, but Bob got 1486 points. I think looks better than the alternative. Also keep in mind, I am using two people here as an example. At one point in my story, there are ten people for whom the score is announced. And yes it must be done. I can't alter the story to remove it. (I tried it I was so desperate)

Anyway, it’s further down the story, so I can always write them in numerals and then change it if it is decided that it's best to write them as they are and not use numerals.

Thanks everyone. If anyone else reads the question, feel free to add your comments :) will be interesting to get your view as well.

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Yes, I have to say I usually do the full word for most cases. The only times I dont is if my character is reading a newspaper article or quoting something.

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I've read somewhere that for numbers below one hundred, you write it in full, example;

Three of the cars were racing at over 130 miles per hour.

I would never write mph or km/h. Although, I think A S is right, and if a character is speaking numbers, it looks much better in full;

"Those cars are pushing a hundred and thirty miles an hour!" exclaimed Ian.

Hope this helps

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