
Your story is for a Children's/Young Adult readership with a pacey plot and a protagonist in peril, often having being uprooted from their ordinary way of life. Famous works of adventure fiction have been written by JRR Tolkein, William Golding and Suzanne Collins.

6 min read
1st September 2021
1st September 2021
Olli Alanen, executive director of Finland's Children and Youth Foundation, on the origins of Read Hour, and why it's so important to get involved....
5 min read
26th August 2021
21st September 2021

Often, when I've watched webinars or attended Creative Writing courses, I've heard the following remarks, repeated time after time: What if I'm...

10 min read
27th December 2020
24th January 2022
William Ryan provides tips on how to write a good synopsis (with a little help from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice). For lots more free advice on...