
  1. What's on my Dashboard?
    Think of your dashboard as your control panel to the W&A site. From here, you can manage your preferences and connections, share works and take part in discussions, keep an eye on your editing services in progress, watch your reward points build, and everything else.

  2. That's great, but can you give me a further breakdown? I'm a details person...
    Sure! Your dashboard can be split into four different sections:
    My Profile
    My Writing
    How To Get Published
    For You

    My Profile
    Within this section of your dashboard, you'll be able to find the following:
    My inbox: send and receive messages from connections as well as keeping up to date with notifications about your purchased editing services and events.
    My connections: manage your connections, search for like-minded people with the ability to filter by interests.
    My notes and bookmarks: any notes you've made across the site will be stored here as well as bookmarked pages.
    My preferences: update your profile and contact details, and add/remove interests to tailor your needs. For example, if you've started writing historical fiction, simply add the 'Historical' tag to your interests and all relevant content (historical fiction advice, events, etc.) will be delivered straight to you.

    My Writing
    Within this section of your dashboard, you'll be able to find the following:
    My shared work: upload your own writing to receive feedback from fellow writers.
    My groups: manage groups you own or are a member of, and search for new ones to join.
    Start a discussion: all of your discussions will be stored here.
    My blogs: this is where you'll be able to review your already-published blogs, as well as edit and make any tweaks before submitting them for publication.
    Services in progress: you'll find details of your purchased editing services, as well as your correspondence with your assigned editor/literary agent.
    My events: all your purchased events will be under the Attending tab.

    How To Get Published
    Within this section of your dashboard, you'll be able to find the following:
    Latest events: take a look at our latest events, from evening masterclasses to weekly writing courses.
    Publishing contacts: access your Listings subscription - the entire database of publishing industry contacts in the latest edition of the Writers' & Artists' Yearbook, as well as additional online-only entries.
    Editing services: browse our range of editing services.
    Shop: get your copy of the Yearbook, or go digital with our Listings subscription. You can also browse our selection of writing and publishing books as well as recommended reads from the W&A Team.

    For You
    Within this section of your dashboard, you'll be able to find the following:
    Exclusive offers and discounts
    Articles and advice: this is where you'll find personalised content, tailored exclusively to your interests.

  3. How can I add new interests?
    Click on the My Profile dashboard tile and go to the Interests tab. You'll be able to add more interests, meaning that you'll get lots more personalised content delivered straight to you.



  1. I want to write a blog for the website. How do I get it published?
    We are actively looking for new voices across our site and welcome all blog submissions. In order to send us your piece, you’ll find the Submit a blog button across the site; all you need to do is click!

  2. What can I write about?
    View our Blogging Guidelines where we outline in further detail what we’re looking for a in a blog.

  3. I've got another idea for a blog. Can I publish it too?
    Absolutely! Once you’ve had your blog published on the site, you’ll have automatic blogging rights so you’ll be able to submit your blogs directly to the site.

Reward Points

  1. How do I earn Reward Points?
    You can build your reward points by being active on the site; the more you engage, the more you’ll earn! You can build your points by sharing your work, engaging in discussions and commenting on articles. For a full breakdown of how you can earn points, check out the My Reward Points page.

  2. What can I use my Reward Points on?
    You can use your reward points towards monthly rewards which will be selected by the W&A Team.


My Notes & Bookmarks

  1. How do I use notes?
    How many of you have scribbled in the margins of a book? How many of you highlight your favourite inspirational quotes or literary agency details in the Yearbook itself? Well, with the ability to now add notes across the site and store them all within the ‘My notes and bookmarks’ Dashboard tile, you’ll never forget an important thing again.

  2. How are bookmarks different?
    You can bookmark entire sections of the site, whether it’s an event you’ve got your eye on or an editing service you’re planning to buy. Your bookmarks will remember everything so you don’t have to!



  1. What can I do to be an active member of the W&A Community?
    The Community section of the site is reserved entirely for you: to share your work, ask questions, join groups of like-minded people and offer/receive feedback. Whether you’re writing a fantasy novel, or an illustrator looking for portfolio feedback, just sign into your W&A account to find your community.

  2. What are the do's and don'ts? 
    Please read our Community guidelines to find out how to get the best W&A Community experience and also what will get you struck off our Christmas list! Don’t say we didn’t warn you…



  1. What exactly is the Writers' & Artists' Yearbook?

    The Writers' & Artists' Yearbook is an annual directory for writers, designers, illustrators and photographers, and contains thousands of industry contacts updated for each edition as well as articles about getting work published. Packed with practical advice, guidance and inspiration about all aspects of the writing process, this Yearbook is the essential resource on how to get published.

    It will guide authors and illustrators across all genres and markets: those looking for a traditional, hybrid or self-publishing route to publication; writers of fiction and non-fiction, poets and playwrights, writers for TV and radio, newspapers and magazines.

    First published in 1906, by Adam & Charles Black, the original Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook was an 80-page booklet, costing one shilling. It gave details of seven literary agents and 89 publishers.

    In 2004, the Children’s Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook was launched to offer advice and contacts specifically focused on the children’s book market.
  2. Where can I get a copy?
    You can visit our Shop to purchase your copy of the Yearbook, via online book retailers or your local bookshop.

  3. How do I get listed in the Yearbook?
    If you would like to submit an entry to our listings, please email [email protected]. This inbox is managed by the Editor and Assistant Editor of both Yearbooks.