Changes to Your Listings Subscription

11th May 2022
2 min read
11th May 2022

About the recent display changes to our Listings subscription products


If you have an annual subscription to one of our Listings databases (click here to find out more) then you may have noticed some recent display changes. Here's a quick post to take you through them, as well as a bit more information about ongoing development work that we expect to push live soon.

Display changes

First of all, genre tags have been removed from our search results pages. However...

Listings - search results

...these do appear on all individual entry pages, and genres remain fully searchable

Listings - genre tag

Meanwhile, we've increased the number of results that appear on search results pages to ten per page. And...

Listings - search results full page

...if you'd like to click into an individual entry and read more, you now have to click on the entry title to do so.

Listings - select title


In Development


All of these display changes have been made to help make things clearer, get more information on the page, and in readiness for making the data from our 2023 Yearbooks available towards the end of July. More news on this soon!

Further work is also been done to improve our filters, so expect this to be pushed live soon. This includes the ability to filter by  rather than search by – genre, and will then allow you to search for particular keywords within the results returned.

Thanks, and do let us know by email ( if you have suggestions for other improvements that we can make.

Writing stage
