Cheltenham Literary Festival - a real pleasure

27th November 2020
2 min read
29th November 2020

I had a great turn out of aspiring writers for my 'How to Get Published' event.

Jo work pic

The participants ranged from a writer who hadn't yet written a word, to another who'd written two books and was working on a third. There was also a gentleman who was there on behalf of his wife who'd written her book and was unable to attend (must be love).

I am always pleased to meet the writers who attend these sorts of events because there is no predictable pattern of just who will be there (other than they all share a common goal).

There is usually a similar ratio of men to women, all ages, and everyone is doing their own thing - writing for children, writing crime, rom-coms, short stories, niche non-fiction etc. And because of that, all sorts of questions and topics crop up. It's just as much of a challenge for me as it is for the writers. It makes for a good three hours of discussion - and I've already received feedback that it wasn't enough...

Meeting new writers makes my job come to life. I love talking, sharing and helping passionate writers. I hope that some of what I have to offer goes towards getting a deserving book where it should to be - on agent's books, publishers' lists, booksellers' shelves and eventually to the bedside tables of readers.

Aside from that, Cheltenham looked stunning. It's one of those towns that suits autumn. The Literature Festival sat beautifully amid the buildings and the gardens - a place to stir the senses and the little grey cells.

Last word: I stood in line for Stephen Fry's autograph (I'm a huge fan). I got to see him flip his fringe and wish me well (he must have been tired after saying that 500 times - but who cares).

If you haven't been to a festival before - go. It's an opportunity to get out from behind your desk and listen, look, learn and enjoy.

Warm wishes, Jo

Editor, Writers' & Artists' Yearbook

DATE FOR THE DIARY: My next confirmed date to hold another 'How to get Published' seminar is at the Stratford-upon-Avon Literary Festival in April 2011. I will post more details asap.

Writing stage



Lavenham and Southwold literary festivals are just two of the many festivals in Suffolk. To know more, visit



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Does anyone know if are there any literature festivals, or similar, in or close to the Suffolk area? I'm already aware of Latitude, just wondered if I'm missing out on anything else. Thanks X

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