Home: Johannesburg, South Africa.
When/where do you write: I do not have a specific time each day when I know I will write...
You've been writing for a while and nearly have a full draft of a manuscript, or a collection of finished shorter pieces of work, under your belt.
Home: Johannesburg, South Africa.
When/where do you write: I do not have a specific time each day when I know I will write...
Age: 25
Hometown: Edinburgh. I feel a bit of a fraud answering that, as it’s only been 5 weeks since I signed the lease....
I'm in the 'dirty draft' camp of getting down the words, no matter how they come out, as quickly as possible. It takes me about six...
Age: 27
Hometown: I grew up in Bridgend, South Wales, but I now live in Edinburgh.
Occupation: Copywriter...
Age: 36
Hometown: Dover, UK
Occupation: Temp
When/where do you write? I write at my PC...
Age: Old enough to be in a quarter-life crisis. Or is that too coy and millennial?
Hometown: Munich, Germany;...