Ghosts of writing past, present and future

27th November 2020
2 min read
10th December 2020

Do you have the skills to be a good writer - and are you naturally curious about other people? It could be that becoming a ‘ghost’ is just right for you...

Jo Herbert

Who uses a ghostwriter?

Well it tends to be people who lack writing skills but have good stories to tell, whether fact or fiction. It could be someone ordinary with an extraordinary story, an expert in an interesting field, or simply someone who doesn’t have time to write.

But of course it's celebrities who are best known for using ghostwriters. Although the book world doesn't exactly boast about it, it could be that fewer than one in five celebrities actually write their own books. Do readers actually care? (Anyone have an opinion?).

Publishers often want to market a celebrity book, as they're dealing with a 'name' who comes complete with a book-buying fan base. They are a pre-existing brand.

Why become a ghostwriter?

Publishers can pay hefty advances for ghosted books because they believe sales will be strong. Although this Christmas, according to a recent article in The Times, sales of celebrity books might be taking a bit more of a hit than anticipated.

How much a ghostwriter earns will vary. If the project already has a publisher on board, the publisher will negotiate a percentage split between the ghost  and the 'author'. It's likely the ghost will receive a much lower percentage - but if they build a good reputation within the industry, that will increase.

So would you be a ghostwriter? You’d get to meet lots of interesting people and you'd be asking the sort of impertinent questions that nosey readers want answered. But would you be happy staying in the shadows? It wouldn’t be you being interviewed on morning TV or signing autographs at guest appearances. I'd love to know what you think.

Writing stage


if you join them up it makes a picture of a Man with a beard dropping down chimneys! But that is related to your perspective, for you it may be a box of choclates, a fast car, or dusty bin. (space here for dots) do you have any spare?

Profile picture for user jimmydon_3843
270 points
Developing your craft
Anthony Joyce

.....ghost writing could be a spring board to being a writer published in their own right....

.... but it would be unlikely to get the job unless you are published in which case - unless writers block has locked away your creative mind momentarily... then I am not sure of the point....Then it would be something perhaps to do.... when as an example an actor is not working 'he is resting' perhaps a published writer would get a whole shed load of new ideas writing a celeb book - people and places, actions and events are surely what we all use, absorb and later regurgitate as our novels... nothing is completely original... but the arrangement of the words and characters are......

being published is a lottery... but you stand zero chance of winning if your dont buy a ticket.... and it is 14,000,000 to one if you do..... BUT I for one enjoy the hope - and my writing is cathartic and brings ME pleasure...... you can of course increase your chances of winning by seducing as many agents and puublishers as possible..... sending them bottles of bubbly and cream cakes....

I decided to hang around in forrests as these poor silent sentinels form the paper that books are written and printed into - I hugged a few trees..... made them my friends.... in an effort that when they are paper and addorning the desks and office furniture that they would in return subliminaly whisper to the agents and publishers.... Tony.... Tony ..... publish him..... he is a nice guy really...... if only to feed the 500 children concieved out of wedlock with agents and publishers and committed to the abbyss or social security and insecurity......

Send help or used fivers.....


'Words have many shadows, Cliff Richard has 4'

Profile picture for user jimmydon_3843
270 points
Developing your craft
Anthony Joyce

Well, I don't actually read books about celebrities. I did read one and it was actually a biography of a band, all band members talking about things that happened etc. but the writer was a journalist and his name was written on the cover.

As far as ghostwriters are concerned, I could never be one. It is my opinion that if a person has done something (like written a book), the credit should go to that person. Writing a book (and any other sort of creative outlet) is an honour. Not everyone are cut out to be writers, musicians, dancers and what not. If a certain celebrity wishes to write a book, that he/she would simply have to start from scratch, just like the rest of us mortals. Books are escape into the unknown and let's face it, not everyone are cut out to be escapists, so why should they make money of someone else's effort, because writing a book is hard work! Be it fiction or non-fiction.

Profile picture for user farli101_3602
270 points
Developing your craft
Tea Maljkovic