Hay fever (and for my next workshop...)

27th November 2020
2 min read
29th November 2020

I was thrilled by the huge turnout for my 'How to Get Published' workshop at the Hay Literary Festival. The sun was shining, the atmosphere was exciting and Hay on Wye looked as beautiful as ever. In fact, the streets were thronging with people taking in the sights of the town as well as soaking up the atmosphere of the busy festival. I don't even think parking was a problem.

Jo work pic

My event was moved to the Swan Hotel (where Tony Curtis was residing) on account of the increased number of tickets sold.

So, I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to (and at quite a lot of the time) 75 enthusiastic aspiring - and two published - authors, and I sincerely hope I gave everyone good value for money.

During the best part of three hours, we covered a lot of ground. Everyone seemed to leave with a smile and a good word (no complaints, at least not to my face - writers are a polite lot). And since, I've received a few cards and several emails thanking me for the information and advice I gave. It's just marvellous to hear feedback (of the positive kind). I have another workshop looming at the Winchester Writers' Conference on 3 July and I'm now feeling encouraged that the info I'm relaying is of real use to writers looking to get their book in print.

So, if you're interested in coming to a workshop, please don't be shy (I'm the only one who needs to be nervous!), take a look at the Winchester website for further details (I'm event WS10).

Actually, look at the website anyway because there are plenty of other events to tickle the writer's fancy in you, even if I don't.

Warm wishes, Jo

Writing stage
