It's free to create a profile on and we want you to get signed in as quickly as possible, so here's some guidance on where to go and what to do - whether you're new to the site or trying to reactivate an account registered on our old platform.
Remember, being logged in to your W&A profile means you'll be able to get so much more from the site, including exclusive discount codes, the ability to annotate pages with your own notes, and the chance to connect with like-minded writers via the W&A Community area.
Creating a new W&A profile:
If you're new to W&A then simply click on 'Register' in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
You'll then be directed to a 'Create your account' page, where you'll be asked to provide your email address, name, site username*, password, and also asked to select areas of the writing and publishing process that most interest you. These 'Creative interests' tags are commonplace across the site, and can be a useful way to find articles, events, and other W&A Community members.
Once you've completed the fields on the 'Create your account' page then simply click the 'Register' button and you'll be taken through to your W&A dashboard. An email will also be sent to the address registered to your account.
Reactivating an existing W&A profile:
To begin the process of reactivating an existing account, please click here to visit the ‘Reset your password’ page. (Apologies in advance for the slightly long-winded nature of the activation process, but these steps are required to link your email address and old site account to our new and improved site.)
Next, enter the email address your account on the old platform was registered to, and press 'Submit'.
Check your inbox and follow the activation link within the email. Please note: each activation link expires after 24 hours, and is single-use only.
When you follow the link you'll be asked to set up a new password, and you will then be able to log in to your account on the new site.
If you have problems accessing the activation link within the 24-hour period that it remains valid, please repeat the steps above. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at and we'll come back to you as quickly as we can.
*Please note: your email address cannot be used as your username