Kylie Rodier: Wrimo Week One

8th November 2013
2 min read
8th December 2020

One week down, three more to go! How are you?

I’m cool. I built a good buffer at the start of the week, precisely because I knew I’d be super busy at the end of it (a friend’s wedding).

Word count so far:

At the time of writing, I’m in 17,000 word territory.

When/Where have you been writing?

I wrote the entire first weekend, except for sleeping and running a few errands. I wrote in bed (because I could). This weekend (9th and 10th) I’m at a friend’s wedding, so won't be writing as much.

In your introductory blog you mentioned how you’d planned quite extensively to help you reach the big 50k. Are you on track with this, or has your plot taken any unexpected turns?

I’m well on track, but a new character has popped up and is demanding to be taken along for the ride. Not quite sure that’s going to work out. She’s pretty vociferous and fun to write though, so at least she’s adding to the word count.

How’s Mira?

Well, and she thanks you for asking. Mira has resigned herself to the challenge. She’s a big girl, even when she doesn’t want to be.

This week’s biggest challenge:

I think my biggest challenge was just starting. My housemates decided to have a Halloween party on Friday Nov 1, and I drifted between the party and Nanowrimo. You can find the mess that was produced on my Twitter feed :S I was kept up by music until 3am; absolutely the ideal start for me.

Hopes for next week:

That I catch up from this weekend (sleep as well as word count). I’m going to be ambitious and aim for 30,000 words by Friday.

NaNo in a nutshell (week one):

Surprisingly easy. (Fingers crossed that I haven't jinxed it by saying that!)

For more on NaNoWriMo and to follow our other writers, please take a look here.

Writing stage


Kylie, what a trouper you are. I'm imagining your housemates looking at each other and muttering 'she's writing a novel until 4am... nutter ....' I bet they admire you for it too. You've got a great start behind you and hopefully you'll be dreaming the book while you catch up on sleep!

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