The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Writer #9

22nd March 2012
3 min read
8th December 2020

   So this is not a tale of a brilliant self-marketing campaign that led to a publishing deal, nor is it a case-study of a state-of-the-art submissions programme.

An offer I couldn’t refuse

   So this is not a tale of a brilliant self-marketing campaign that led to a publishing deal, nor is it a case-study of a state-of-the-art submissions programme.

Nope, it’s a paean to serendipity, to great timing and to the need to tell anyone, even strangers, that you’re a writer.

In the confessional spirit of earlier posts, I stand before you and say: “My name is Ian Phillips and I am a bridge addict.”  No, I don’t mean one of those strange Channel-5-real-life-documentary people who form an emotional or even physical attachment with an edifice made of concrete, wire and piles.  I play the card game and have done so for years (it’s how I met my wife).

I was at a club, and finished a round of the competition early.  We chat sotto voce with our opponents.  ‘What do you do?’  ‘I write.’  ‘Oh, what?’  ‘Stuff for businesses, speeches and the like.  And you?’ ‘I’m a publisher.’  ‘I’ve also written a novel.’  ‘Really!  What’s it about?’ 

I give her the elevator pitch (something I really recommend - I’ve worked hard to try and summarise it in very short phrases, usually starting with my equivalent of the legendary pitch to Hollywood for ‘Alien’ (‘Jaws In Space’.)  Mine: ‘A Kosher Satanic Verses.’

‘I’d like to read it.’  We had a subsequent chat over the phone and I sent it to her.

I hadn’t heard of Alliance Publishing Press, but really liked its use of Print-On-Demand (even if the end-product can’t benefit from the versatility of traditional print).  The industry norm of investing working capital in stock and distribution, let alone advances, seems to me somewhat archaic.  Surely it was in everyone’s interest to pour resources into increasing demand.  With the explosion of channels for selling as well as communicating, this seemed completely logical, modern and, most important, author-friendly.

I was also drawn to the benefits of working with a small company.  I like knowing precisely who’s going to be doing what with my book – and interacting with them.  The atmosphere was more collegiate, more personal, than I would imagine a large publisher to be.  They readily surmised that I am somewhat anal, so the notion of being genuinely consulted on issues like marketing and design was both seductive and a relief.

I sat down with the whole team and they were really enthusiastic about ‘Grosse Fugue’, even while flagging concerns about the ending.  Believing that all things are resolvable between those committed to progress, I decided to commit.  All that was needed now was to do a deal and get edited.

The deal was easy.

Ian Phillips is a freelance writer for businesses whose first novel, Grosse Fugue, will be published by Alliance Publishing Press on April 11th. He’s tweeting developments @Ian_at_theWord.

Writing stage
Areas of interest


Thanks for that, Adrian. I don't know Elizabeth Taylor so will investigate, even though I'm not the greatest fan of short stories as a genre.

I do know the E M Forster quote about Beethoven 5. If you're even halfway as keen as I am on Ludwig, here's another quote, about the Fifth, this time from Berlioz's teacher Jean-Francois Lesueur:

"Let me get out. I must have some air. It‘s amazing! Wonderful! I was so moved and disturbed that when I emerged from my box and attempted to put on my hat, I couldn‘t find my head."

Profile picture for user ian.fish_21614
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Ian Phillips

Off topic Ian, but this may be of interest to you. I know how much you admire Chekhov ( 'Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass') and Beethoven. Regarding short story writers, I highly recommend Elizabeth Taylor. And I do not mean the actress. She is a brilliant short story writer. She would be in my top three of all time, alongside Chekhov. I hope Elizabethh Taylor eventually receives the recognition that she richly deserves.

Complete Short Stories (Virago Modern Classics) by Elizabeth Taylor (21 Jun 2012)

I was researching some quotes for my novel and accidently discovered this quote from E M Forster of 'Passage to India', 'Howards End', 'Room with a View', and 'Aspects of the Novel', fame.

'Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is the most sublime noise that has ever penetrated into the ear of man.'

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Thanks Louise, Adrian & Victoria for all your observations,

I think all of us know how important luck is in making the breakthrough. I imagine everyone is familiar with the Frederick Forsyth 'discovery' story and we all dream of that happening to us. I certainly know how fortunate I was to run into my publisher - I can only hope that 'Grosse Fugue' enjoys a similar fate.

Let me clarify the self-publishing thing, if I may. APP may charge for elements of the process (though not in my case), depending on their confidence in a particular work. So, they are one of a new breed of publisher.

Adrian is absolutely spot on about editing and, as you'll discover in the next couple of blogs, it was absolutely pivotal to the relationship. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of publishing service providers who don't offer this support but quality is key to showing respect to our readers and accuracy is a pre-requisite of that. If I hadn't have found a publisher, I hope I would have invested in editing prior to self-publishing or Kindling

I didn't intend to play down the deal-making, only wanting to imply that compared to the edit, it was easy,

Profile picture for user ian.fish_21614
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Ian Phillips