The Manchester Writing for Children Prize 2014

13th January 2014
3 min read
8th December 2020

Deadline for entries: 28th February 2014

Mandy Coe

Judges: Mandy Coe (pictured here), Imtiaz Dharker and Philip Gross

“This is a great initiative – putting children’s poetry in the same league of seriousness as the other Manchester prizes.” Philip Gross.

Under the direction of Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy – Professor of Contemporary Poetry and Creative Director of the Manchester Writing School at MMU – we are launching the brand new Manchester Writing for Children Prize. The Prize is open internationally to both new and established writers aged 16 or over (there is no upper age limit) and invites the submission of a portfolio of poetry to be read by children within the age group of 5 to 12. Portfolios should contain three to five poems, totalling no more than 120 lines. The entry fee is £12 per portfolio of poems.

Prizes include:

- publication of selected pieces from long-listed entrants in a new anthology;

- an invitation to appear alongside Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy at a special event at the 2014 Manchester Children's Book Festival for the short-listed entrants;

- and a cash prize of £2,000 for the overall winner – to be announced at that event.*

For further details, visit the website, where you can enter online or download a printable entry form for postal submission. If you would like to be sent a printed entry pack for postal submission, just reply to this email ( with your address and we’ll send one out to you.

*Terms and conditions apply.

Some advice on your submission:

“What is a ‘poem for a child’? Clear language, sharp editing, avoidance of cliché are the key elements of good poetry for readers of all ages. And if we include narrative, imagery, voice, rhythm, the subtle drive of full or half rhyme, free or blank verse, it seems that the only limitation of this genre is our preconception of child-as-reader. The attraction and influence of children’s poetry is profound, and – despite containing only a fraction of the infrastructure (publications, prizes, courses) available for those writing for adults – many classic and contemporary poets have discovered the pleasures of writing for both adults and children. 

“This international prize is a first of its kind, aiming to celebrate this genre by welcoming a portfolio of work from established and new writers. The resulting anthology, a professionally produced and illustrated book of poetry for readers aged five – 12, will be launched during the Manchester Children’s Book Festival where winning poets will be invited to read alongside UK poet laureate, Carol Ann Duffy. Whether you are a seasoned children’s poet or a poet venturing into this genre for the first time – we look forward to seeing what you think poems for children can be!”

Please visit the website for further information.

Writing stage


I would if i could... But anyway good luck on everyone that has entered!

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This might seem like a really stupid question, but when you refer to a line limit what exactly is that?

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~It works, which is the only point! (Help save lives!)

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