Middle Grade (Children's)

Your target readership is pre-teen; typically between 6 and 12 year-olds. Middle grade stories tend to feature protagonists that are of a similar age to the target audience, with themes covered and language used also age-appropriate. Authors of popular middle grade titles include Katherine Rundell, Jacqueline Wilson and Roald Dahl.

9 min read
13th October 2020
24th January 2021
Ahead of her middle-grade fantasy debut, The Strangeworlds Travel Agency, being published by Orion Children's Books, we spoke to author L.D Lapinski...
4 min read
13th October 2020
24th January 2021

I’m always a bit wary of ‘how to’ guides, as I think everyone works very differently, but this is how I do it. If you’re also a detail-...

10 min read
12th October 2020
19th January 2021
In this exclusive extract from the new edition of Writers' & Artists' Guide To Writing for Children & YA, Linda Strachan - author of over 70...
4 min read
2nd October 2020
11th August 2022
Thomas Taylor explains how a good cover can tell you, at a glance, just how it feels to read the book, and describes the defining, attention-grabbing...