This morning I am writing like...

27th November 2020
2 min read
29th November 2020

... Isaac Asimov. How do I know this? Because I've just been dabbling on the new 'I Write Like' website that has been taking the internet by storm.

Claire Fogg blog

If you visit I Write Like you can find out which famous writer your writing most closely resembles. All you need to do is copy and paste a few paragraphs of your writing, hit the 'analyse' button, and hey presto! The site does some complicated statistical comparison against a database of famous writers (the site developers know about this sort of stuff) and comes up with a name.

Not entirely happy with Asimov, I tried again with some different prose and ended up with William Gibson.

So successful has 'I Write Like' been that the site has even got its own spoof. It's called I Actually Write Like and offers to tell you "who or what writer, animal or household object you most write like".

Ok, so here the answer is somewhat less flattering. It came up with "I actually write like... a drunk working through issues"!

Well, it is Monday.

Go on, have a go. I'd really like to know who you (actually) write like. Let me know in the comments below.

Best wishes,

Claire Fogg (Publisher)

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Writing stage


Hi Paul Lamb, Thanks for pointing out this link. I think there is some programming behind I Write Like, but probably based on keywords and I wouldn't take it too seriously.

Craigslist writes like David Foster Wallace, for instance!

And it's always good sense to be wary of anyone asking for your details online. We recommend checking out publishers in the Writers' & Artists' Yearbook, where each entry is carefully vetted.

Profile picture for user foggclai_218
270 points
Developing your craft
Claire Fogg

Ha ha, and yes, I agree, Michael - it is a bit limited.

Margaret Atwood tried it out and found that she wrote like Stephen King! (The algorithm thingummy has since been expanded so her writing style is in there now.)

I also "actually write like... an adolescent goth after a heavy night on the absinthe". Definitely more accurate.

Profile picture for user foggclai_218
270 points
Developing your craft
Claire Fogg

Interesting Claire. I Write Like apparently compares the structure of a written entry to that of published authors. For the record, I don't believe it means anything, but here is mine…


I write prose like: Ernest Hemingway.


I write fiction prose like: James Joyce.


I write poetry like: Dan Brown

I was hoping my writing would compare to Stephen Hawking, Joseph Campbell and Shakespeare or Carl Sagan, Alexandre Dumas, and Dante Alighieri, but alas. I guess I try too hard (don’t laugh, it’s not easy to become an apex writer like all the writers mentioned in this comment and fact is, if you were to ask, I’d answer my odds of actually, eventually being as good as any of them would be six billion to one. Point is, I don’t want to be as great as they were, I just want to write my ideas in my way as skillfully as they wrote their ideas in theirs.). …And Claire, Asimov sounds like a complement. You write like one of the greatest sci-fi writers ever. My guess is, since you are involved in popularizing technical aspects of the field, you’re writing naturally has a technical, yet popular style. There, now you’ve got me acting like an analyzer.



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