My NaNoWriMo: Week Two

16th November 2014
3 min read
8th December 2020

Plodding along in week two…

This was the week my concentration levels plummeted. Having extra work to do on my days off didn’t help but in reality that’s an excuse. After my initial excitement, I’m finding an average of 1667 words a day tough.

I’ll admit there have been days when the only thing keeping me writing has been the knowledge I’ll need to justify myself in this blog if I don’t.

I’m not the only one suffering for my art. Those around me are dealing with Sami fact queen; everything relates back to the north and the folk music of the arctic playlist has been on repeat. Even my two year old has learnt to yoik. I’m a lovingly hand spun reindeer sinew thread away from being single and friendless.

There’s certainly something to be said for having full absorption in your novel, especially when you’re writing about a completely different time and place. Sometimes I’m surprised it’s not snowing when I leave the house because the world in my head is taking over.

Last week I spoke about GIRL TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN sliding away from Young Adult. I’ve decided to follow the story rather than my original plan. Martha Brennan might be young but her lover isn’t and they’re facing adult issues such as marriage, religion, and career. I hadn’t envisaged the religion being such a key part of the story, but you can’t take a celibate Catholic priest resistant to change and ask him to work for a Protestant church accompanied by his wife and not expect a subplot there.

Speaking of plotlines, I've discovered I need to bring a character in slightly earlier than expected and have ended up with an unfortunate Twilight style personality-off between sensible domineering guy and nature-loving liberated guy. This is something I need to be very careful not to overdo, because, although I know how it ends, the reader needs to trust it's all going to be strong woman championing in the end.

As you can see from my fancy chart, I’m still on target with just over 24,000 words, but I’ve lost the advantage I gained at the end of week one. I’m disappointed not to have hit the halfway mark at the end of week 2, but I’m nearly there and looking forward to the point when I have more words written than need completing.

So far I’ve not made it to any write ins - laziness and antisocial habits being my only excuses. Maybe next week I’ll get there.

You can follow my progress between blogs on Twitter @thebirchtree and read the beginning of my novel on my NaNoWriMo profile

Writing stage


Thanks Pablo, that's really kind of you to say. My novel isn't meant to be funny but then again that doesn't always stop things being accidently amusing!

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Great going KG.

If your novel is as amusing and engaging as your blog posts then you have a winner.

Keep on doing.


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