#NaNoWriMo Tip 2: Mess With The Status Quo

1st November 2023
2 min read
6th November 2023
Jeeves & Wooster

Alan Anderson, creator of Writing Coach In A Box, shares his daily NaNoWriMo tips with us.

Play with status! Readers love to see the social order upended: it’s fun to watch the rich and powerful flounder while the servant runs the show. It’s a particularly reliable way to generate comedy…

#nanowrimo #writingcoach #writingtips #fictiontips 


What is Writing Coach In A Box?

What should you look for when you're re-reading a draft? What are the most common mistakes first-time authors make? How can you inject excitement into flat prose? How do you make readers root for your protagonist? What verbs should you avoid, and which must you use? Why should you mix long and short sentences?

This ingenious toolkit answers all these questions and hundreds more. Drawing on years of successful writing and publishing, and careful study of scores of how-to-write manuals and style guides, the Writing Coach will challenge, advise, encourage and inspire. And because the cards address universal problems of story and style, they won't just help novelists, but anyone who writes. So whether you want to create better books, blogposts, press releases, memoirs, news stories or screenplays, you'll get the coaching you need.

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