Our writing competition heats up (despite the cold)

27th November 2020
2 min read
29th November 2020

As winter approaches and the days get shorter, so does our productivity: 8pm in November and you're heating your milk ready for bedtime, compared to 8pm in June, when you're out washing the car or sitting in the garden with a glass of rosé, enjoying the evening sunshine. At least – this applies to me.

Jo Herbert

However, many of you dedicated writers out there are continuing to cram the hours into your day.

In October alone, we received over one third of our total writing competition entries to date. And if previous patterns are anything to go by, we're expecting many more this side of the New Year.

I admire all of you who are busy writing your stories regardless of seasonal affective disorder or 15 (whatever) shopping days left until Christmas.

We're also expecting a flurry of entries (and maybe snow) in January. Many of us need the push of the new year to get motivated – a resolution, a fresh determination, a time to get things done. As well as the compulsory evenings in until one's bank balance is out of the red.

So whatever stage you're at, whether polishing your competition entry or contemplating testing your writing talents come 2010, stick with it. Someone has got to come first and just like the Lottery – you need to be in it to win it! It might just be the start of something big...

Good luck.

Warm wishes, Jo

(Editor, Writers' & Artists' Yearbook)

Writing stage
