Their is a problem with youre grammar

13th January 2011
3 min read
16th December 2020

Did you spot the deliberate mistakes?  If so, read no further, you're off the hook!

Cressida Downing

I am often asked how 'perfect' a submission needs to be, in terms of its grammar and spelling.  Spelling should be spell-checked, preferably by a person rather than a machine, and grammar shouldn't stand out as wrong. I don't make a point of trying to find the mistakes but when something affects the sense of a sentence or a passage then that raises a red flag.

What drives me absolutely crazy (and pretty much every editor I have ever met), is the common confusion writers have with 'your' and 'you're', 'their, they're, there'', and problems with apostrophes.  This is my cut out and keep guide if this applies to you:

Your = belonging to you - such as 'your cat is sick'.  Not to be confused with:

You're = a contraction of 'you are' - such as 'you're sick and your cat is also sick'.

They're = a contraction of 'they are' - such as 'they're sick of hearing about your cat'.

There = a place - such as 'There is your sick cat'.

Their = belonging to them - such as 'their sick cat is over there, whereas your sick cat is over there.'

Now - apostrophes.  There are whole websites devoted to the correct use of apostrophes, so feel free to search out different advice, if mine doesn't clarify the issue for you.

An apostrophe is used when you have a gap because you are using a contraction - so turning two words into a loosely connected word, such as 'you are' turning into 'you're'  - the apostrophe here acts as the missing 'a'.

It also is used for possession.  'Mary's cat' - so the cat belonging to Mary.

It is not used to indicate a plural.  'Mary has cats'.  If you have a plural that ends in 's' and you wish to indicate possession - then there are two acceptable alternatives.  'Mary's cats' beds are pink'.  or 'Mary's cats's beds are pink'.  Note in these examples, the cats belong to Mary (first apostrophe), and the beds belong to the cats (second apostrophe).

The exception is its/it's.  'It is' contracts to 'it's'.  'It has' contracts to 'it's'.  The item belonging to it doesn't get an apostrophe - so 'The cat licked its paws'.

That's it!  (That is it).  Go forth and use your apostrophes wisely!  (note no apostrophe at the end of apostrophes as it's a simple plural (it is a simple plural)).

I'm going to stop now (I am going ...).  Make this another of your New Year's resolutions, and the collective blood pressure of editors all over the country will drop accordingly!


(Editorial Consultant)

PS the sharp-eyed amongst you may have noticed a lot of cats in this post.  Apologies but my actual cat was trying to get onto the laptop so was figuring in my imagination somewhat!

Writing stage
Areas of interest


Hi Cressida,

Great being on and meeting you great people. I am a young writer just submitted my first book. When I got it back from the company, I was so overwhelmed with the galley. I read the first page and resubmitted it assuming it has been edited by professionals and would be good to go,for printing. When I got back the first printed copy, I decided to read through, just to make sure every thing was OK. To my disbelief more than half the book had major errors in it. Needless to say I felt so dejected. I thought of throwing it the towel, but I pursued through the ordeal. So as a young writer, I am admonishing writer or should I say young writers, to be very careful and keep your eyes open for things like these.

PS. I need a publicist,any suggestion?

Thanks Mike.

Profile picture for user oneregga_11867
270 points
Developing your craft
Michael Thompson

I've always been something of an obsessive when it comes to spelling and punctuation.

So I was shocked to see the number of errors in my manuscript once it had been picked over by copy editors and proof readers. We all have our weaknesses - mine are lapsing into the wrong tense and excessive repetition of key words.

Profile picture for user neilanse_10310
0 points
Developing your craft
Neil Ansell

Wow Cressida, I guess it must really be a common occurence. I too make mistakes at times in spelling, but I try to correct myself as much as possible. Sloppy work is something I dislike, epecially when it comes from myself.

Tabby... I'll make a note to use it one of my stories, if you like. I'd be safe in assuming he likes attention. Say hello to Pippin for me.



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