What Would It Take To Start You Writing Today?

9th May 2012
2 min read
8th December 2020

This blog post is inspired by a good friend of mine, who has been flirting with the idea of being a writer for many years.  She's just had a birthday and decided this is the year she is going to write her novel.  She has a very busy life, works part-time, has four children, many pets, and a lot of reasons to stop her simply sitting down and starting writing.

I'm not trying to write (apart from this blog post this morning!) but there are things I do want to achieve, and I do seem to put up a lot of blocks in my way.  Do any of the following sound familiar?

I don't have the time

I might not write well

It's not worth it/I'm not worth it

I'm still planning

My space isn't right/I don't have a desk/My computer's not good enough

The cat/children/husband/friends will stop me/laugh at me/need attention

If any of these strike a chord, I've a strategy that might work.  Nod your head, yes, your excuse is true, then sit down and write.  I can hear the 'buts' already - I don't care.  Sit down today and write.  Something.  Anything.  Even if it's just 'I don't know why I'm doing this'.  After at least 20 mins, stop.  Give yourself a pat on the back.  Put your writing away - and do exactly the same thing tomorrow.

And if that isn't inspiration enough, have a look at Geoff Holt's website.  I was lucky enough to hear him speak at the Winchester Writers' Conference where he described how he - as a paraplegic yachtsman - has written his memoir - typing using just one finger, and he finished it in 4 months.  There really aren't any excuses for the rest of us - are there?

Writing stage
