Writers' & Artists' masterclass - the result

27th November 2020
2 min read
29th November 2020

We've just run our two-part Writers' & Artists' masterclass about submitting your manuscript as planned.

Jo work pic

In part one we tackled the tricky job of drafting the covering letter, and one week later we followed up with a look at the art of writing a synopsis.

This was the first time that I've taught alongside editorial consultant Cressida Downing and, if I say so myself, we make a really good team. I think the reason for this is that I understand the theory (I talk to the people involved in turning a manuscript into a book and I gather information for writers), while Cressida is actually on the front line. She reads people's submissions every day. She evaluates them and knows what influences her decisions either to read further or (shudder) - stop.

Between us, we possess a lot of knowledge and advice and - importantly - enjoy being able to pass it on.

That said, our delegates made it work for us. Twelve people attended the masterclass, all on a common quest to improve their submission. Everyone worked hard, shared their experiences, offered opinions, suggestions and encouragement. It made for a friendly and fun atmosphere where we all learned something new and left feeling positive.

Cressida and I will be working on new ideas for future masterclasses. Keep an eye on our Events for writers because you users of writersandartists.co.uk will be the first to know.

Warm wishes, Jo

Writing stage



Glad to hear everything went well. I was not an attendee, but you and Cressida seem to be doing a great job which leads me to thinking, if I had two like you working for me, I'd be able to perform literary miracles. Just imagine: The Dream Team. I come up with the ideas for riveting romances, thrillers, comedies, historical epics and scientific nonfiction; Jo, you do the research, Cressida shows me where and what I need to improve. And let's not forget Claire, she'll do the publishing and Alexandra, who composes the introductions. Now back to the real world, painstakingly inscribing my ideas, self-editing and proofing them not knowing if what I’ve written is even acceptable, intuitively comparing what I’ve written to comparative famous published works to figure if I can make it as good or better, letting the product stay for weeks to rewrite later if it doesn't feel right, all while wondering what agent/publisher has the brains and brawn to take me where no writer has gone before and not fry me in the process so I can still spin more great ideas 50 years from now.

Sorry Jo, my imagination does seem boundless indeed.



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