Austin Maccauley

by Leah Jones
3rd May 2023

Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this - I'm new ! I got an email this morning after submitting my work to Austin Maccauley Publishers offering me a contributory contract for my novel. They offered "Paperback Home Sales: a royalty of TWENTY FIVE PER CENT (25%) of the net sales price. Hardback Home Sales: a royalty of TWENTY FIVE PER CENT (25%) of the net sales price. E-Book Sales: a royalty of FORTY PER CENT of the net sales price. (40%). " But I would have to pay about £2500 for the publishing. Has anyone gone through with this before? I cannot tell if it is a scam or just simply not fruitful.


any help would be appreciated!!

Areas of interest


Hi Leah,
Thanks for your message!
This publisher is considered a vanity publisher and there is a great article on Jericho Writers, which you might find of you:

We always believe that unless you have decided to self-publish and you're in control of this aspect, you should never have to pay, especially up front, to get your book published.

I hope the blog post helps!

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If you think that amount of money is no big deal to you, then pay to see your work in print to that publisher. Or any publisher actually that is willing and happy to accept your money.

If you write your work hoping to earn money instead. Then calm down, girl...

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Zhubo Winset
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