Cover letter for short story submission.

by Lorna Wilkinson
6th January 2012

Hi! Does anyone know whether it's customary in the UK to include a cover letter when submitting a short story to a magazine that publishes fiction? I've read the submission guidelines for several magazines, but none of them mention this. I'm assuming it's best to include a brief cover letter, but am still unsure of what to write - should I summarize my story, give an account of who I am/ what I do, or just keep it really simple? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.


Hiya, Lorna, newbie here so take my answer with a whole handful of salt.

I always include a cover letter when submitting in the UK - it's just plain good manners. Even with an email sub I'll do a shortened form of my cover letter. As for what to include, make it business-like and you can't go wrong.

Your name/address

Their name/address


Dear NAME ( Always a name, not a title, make it personal.)

I would like to submit my short story, NAME, for your consideration. It is an xxx word thriller/comedy/SciFi - add substance - with a dark psychological edge/witty repartee between a mother and the clown she hired for her daughters 5th birthday/Charlie Chan meets the Twilight Zone - for that last one, you have to be at least thirty years of

If you've done your market research put it in this next para ... my story would fit well with your request for /a twisted clown story/ a serial killer with an unusual bent for embroidery/ Anything you can add here to show you've read the magazine or are familiar with its format and what it requires for future issues.

Publishing credits here. Plug yourself.

Finish with a polite, 'Thank you for your time and attention.'

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Yours Sincerely

Blah Blah

Hope this helps.

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When writing my cover letter I wrote along the lines of the plot but worded different to the synopsis. For example I put something like this I was wondering if you would be so kind to read ( what ever it is you wish to send them be it the first two chapters of your short story) the plot of the story is of a young witch called Wendy.... and ended the letter by thanking them for the time and effect in reading the letter. (of course assuming that will in fact read what you have sent them in the first place.

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