Oops, what's happened? Did Nathan win or not?
'Nathan Indarsingh 8 hours ago
I'm very inquisitive... Is there another Nathan Indarsingh in the competition? Because that isn't my piece....
How embarrassing and unprofessional if he didn't.
Oops, what's happened? Did Nathan win or not?
'Nathan Indarsingh 8 hours ago
I'm very inquisitive... Is there another Nathan Indarsingh in the competition? Because that isn't my piece....
How embarrassing and unprofessional if he didn't.
I have just been reading a post on the other list of posts about the visit winner and Nathan says he hasn't even entered, he said he was confused over what I had said so now please tell me; who am I?
Regards, what's my name?
@ Paul - if you can put that last post into an historical context, you could enter it into the new comp.
Hold on...I think that's my piece. And if anyone finds a fiver, I think that's mine too! ;-)
Sure its an administrative error but is it the correct piece against wrong name or vice versa?