
by Adam Turner
20th March 2012

How do you edit your novels? I am unsure whether to edit my first chapter while it's fresh in my head or move on with the second while my brain is in gear with the story? Thanks.


Victoria L, I am really terrible in that I don't write nearly enough notes. I know that I should write notes but I keep things in my head too much. So naughty! The supernatural town in my book is basically a town like any you would find in Britain so there aren't any different cultures or other things you would find in a fastasy world. But even so, I know I should make more notes :-) I do have a timeline of events in a way though. I insert comments for each chapter, even if I have nothing to write for that chapter yet. So I'll have a comment with a few lines saying what I think is going to happen so that I can easily find it later and go back to it.

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Hi Adam.

I write when my mind is fresh and when I feel inspired. But I hate to leave my latest passage of writing unedited. I know there will be many more lengthy edits before completion of my novel.

I do not believe it is wise to let the word count rise to high before you edit. It is best to find errors or weaknesses early into your story. I habitually edit once a week. The editing process never seems to end. I find myself constantly refining my characters dialogue and streams of thought.

Every time I peruse my work I make adjustments to the text. Editing small passages of a few thousand is best. It will leave me with a quality product. If I had large amounts of text to edit, I fear I might rush the process if it became laborious.

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I also agree that leaving time before editing is best. I edit my work I did the day before then I start writing more. I find writing with pen and paper, then typing onto the computer it helps me to see more grammer or spelling misakes.

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