I'm working on my first graphic book. Not a novel, more of a memoir & reflection. I'd really like to make it square format, but am unsure if that might put off publishers. Does anyone have experience of getting square books accepted ?
Areas of interest
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your discussion comment. I must admit that I don't have the best expertise in this particular area, however hopefully my initial advice might help. When you are submitting a book to agents/publishers, all they care about is the writing/images. As long as your story (this memoir) is written and illustrated to the best of your ability then the decision about which format to print/publish it in is usually left to the publisher.
Of course you will be able to share your opinion with your publishers, but I wouldn't worry about this at this initial stage. Concentrate on finishing your graphic book and making it the very best it can be.
I've also added some links below to different organisations who might be able to offer you further help:
The Association of Illustrators - https://theaoi.com/ They are a member organisation, however they have a lot of brilliant advice in front of the pay wall. You might consider taking out a temporary membership, so you might be able to ask your specific question about a square format graphic book.