I publushed my first novel, The 13th Doorway a few days ago and it has sold on kindle very well. Over 1000 downloads so far. However, I am really keen to expand into producing a graphic novel of the story and feel the content is ideal for this. Does anyone have any tips on how to start this process as the whole genre is alien to me? Anyone know any good companies? I can probably get the illustrations done for nothing but after that, am clueless! :)
Simon, why dont you do it yourself? It is entirely free and with a wee bit of self marketing, you can sell plenty of books. I havent paid one penny to get a paperback and a kindle edition out and have sold over 1000 copies. I'd highly recommend it.
Thanks T.O.Bührer, will check the website. :)
Why don't you try to find anyone who wants to draw your novel at GraphicNovelReporter.com? Contact a listed author. Maybe some of them might be interested on your history.
I'm having the same problem with trying to find a literary agent. I have sent chapters to 9 agents now but still I get told "It's not what we are looking for but thank you," it's very frustrating and a slog but I just keep at it... I need a specialist! haha.
Oh and I never noticed the spelling error until you pointed it out!
Good luck