If you had to pick only one, which Harry Potter book, would be YOUR favourite and why? For me, I would say the third one because for the first time, we see Harry really explore the life of his parents and parts of his own past. It's also when I feel the death of his parents and the whole event comes to light as a real tragedy and we begin to see exactly what Voldemort did. I'm also one for a heartwarming tale and I like the fact that Harry finds his godfather and Lupin. Finally, there are some important points for the future, but mostly, we begin to see just what what Harry is capable of.
The first one without a doubt, it's was the first book I read and if I hadn't have read it, I don't think I would have wanted to become a writer.
Just because a book is liked by 'the masses' doesn't mean it's bad! I personally think there's loads to be learnt from Harry Potter - in the art of pacing and keeping track of an insanely complex plot if nothing else (though it's written well too, and the characterisation is great).
Adrian you have to read some bad books to get a good feel of what is out there, just reading the good ones isn't going to help you because you are setting yourself a high standerd then aren't you? Well that's what I think in anyway, read the best yes, but learn from the bad...