Sometimes I look at a story & think what rubbish, so refrain from commenting rather than crush someone's fragile hopes (after all sending your work 'out there' can be like taking off your clothes in public). Then I will see that others have added valuable feedback. What is the best/most useful way to approach reviewing someone else's work?
Oh dear, before the results are out, I more or less know that I won't stand a ghost of a chance. I've been wanting to correct two spelling mistakes but forgot to do so and I submitted my story with the two spelling mistakes on it.'s like shooting myself with a shotgun. Ha..ha... a good experience anyway.
Don't think that your story is bad! Even the best sellers book have a wonky story! :)
Personally speaking, hit me with it. I'll either agree or not, but that's what I'm looking for - as long as its constructive its positive.