How do I know if writing is for me?

by Daniel Foster
4th January 2012

I suppose the question I ought to ask is, am I wasting my time with writing? As a naturaly creative person and after many years of writing essay for educational purposes, i've decided to try my hand at writing in my spare time and with a great idea (I presume everyone thinks their ideas are great) I've started to write. But how do I know if its for me, I suppose there isn't anybody there to tell you if you're going wrong, off track or simply writing rubbish.

A mere 3,000 words into writing and I am questioning if this is for me, do I stop now or let my creativity flow? I imagine that every writer, writes with the intention of their work being published and I am rather surprised at how many novels are dismissed by publishing houses.

In a nutshell any advice would be most welcome by a complete and utter literary novice.



Hi Daniel,

If you enjoy writing, then you're certainly not wasting your time. Yes, ultimately everyone wants their manuscript to be published, but if that's the only reason you're writing then your work might suffer.

I'm 25,000 words into the first draft of my first novel. When I'd only written a few thousand words I found it terribly difficult to focus and get into it. But now I have spent time with the plot and the characters, I'm more excited than ever about getting it finished. In fact the idea of just getting it finished is more exciting than the thought of getting it published.

So that would be my advice: time. Work on it hard for a few months. Try to reach 20,000 words. If at that point you aren't excited about it, you'll know the answer to your own question.

Hope that helps!


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moi aussi je passe par la même chose je ne sais quoi faire est je dois commencer a écrire et faire des recherches ou attendre afin de trouver des conseilles des gents qui ont passer par la même chose mais je crois à une chose quand t on a envie d’écrire et et les idées nous tombe sur notre tête et on écrivant en ressant un grand soulage et un bonheur alors croyez moi rien au monde est pareille et c'est un plaisir avant tous. quand ta envie d’écrire écris quoi que se soit votre idée ou votre recherche ou votre roman tous ce qui sort du fond n'est pas facile a s'exprimer ce qui beaux c'est de faire arriver ça et le faire ressentir aux autre je vous souhaite bonne chance et crois a votre talent.

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It depends why you write. Whatever others say or think, any writing is hard work so you need a goal. Doesn't matter what it is: I wanted others to see a patent unfairness, and that gave me enough incentive to finish a novel. The problem then was I had grown to like my characters so much I couldn't bear to see them simply 'die'.

I agree with Sarah re peer-review sites - personally I've found the best. But write a bit more first. You sound to me as if you're continually questioning whether you're actually any good. Been there. Frankly it's the best way to be because continual self-criticism is the only real way to improve. You just have to know when to stop editing and let the work go.

Best of luck.

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