Lesley Paterson's adaptation of All Quiet On The Western Front

by Harry Turnbull
2nd February 2023

Fascinating story about an athlete buying the rights to this book which is now a major screen success. I have identified a book by a very well known author that has never been adapted - except by me in writing class - and I would be interested to know how you go about finding out who holds the copy right. Anyone able to help?


Hi Harry,

I had to google this story because I didn't know about it! From looking at it, it sounds as though Lesley formed a film production company, Sliding Down Rainbows Entertainment, through which they they bought an option to the film rights of the book.

In terms of finding out who holds the copyright of the book you're talking about, it might be worth enquiring with the Copyright Licensing Agency: https://www.cla.co.uk/checkpermissions

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