Looking for a beta reader in the medical industry - YA Fiction

by Sabreen Swan
24th January 2022

Hello! I'm not sure where the right place is to ask this - I hope it's here!

I'm looking for a couple of beta readers in the medical industry for my completed YA contemporary novel.

The novel's main theme is mental health, specifically eating disorders, depression, and self-harm, and I would really love to find a beta reader in the medical industry who can pinpoint anything that they think might be too triggering for young readers before I start working with an editor.

This is a really important step for me because the novel may be about these strong mental health topics but it's a story of hope, and I want to make sure that's reflected.

The novel follows a teenage girl's journey to recovery through her therapy sessions in an inpatient clinic for eating disorders.

I would be absolutely over the moon if there's anyone here willing to help! I'm also happy to beta read your novel, too.

If you're interested, drop a reply to this thread or email me at contact@sabreenswan.com

Thanks so much,



Areas of interest
