My new book

by Raia Howard
11th July 2013

Hi everybody was just wondering what you think of my new book Sideways Out this is just the first draft I am still working on it.

First few pages:

I twisted my dark melting around and around my finger contemplating various things. For a moment I flashed my gaze around the room, it was barren with the exception of two weary souls.

He stood his back to me. A pale crown sat on his ashen head, matching his title namely Prince Of Noise the word sound was tideously etched over and over on his copper adornment. I'd say that his oddest atribute would definitely be his ears since they were as white and hairy as the mop covering his head, why they were the prominent ears of a snow fox. His clothes were quite shabby considering him being a prince, his grey and white striped pyjamas were reasonably torn. From the boy emitted a slight buzzing sound that altered according to is mood, from what I could tell he was fuming. Now although Jack was The Prince Of Noise he ran away from his loud kingdom looking for silence, the king has been searching for him ever since but I know there's no way serious quiet Jack would ever return.

I'm definitely one to talk since I am probably far worse off than the silent noise. I am the Queen Of Words and am a molded body of paper littered in inky sayings. My face a delicate porcelain painting the only part of me not covered in letters and with a flinch of grey eyes, I have a pale face meaning no color involved. My hair is indeed the melting sort as it is a pitch black substance dripping from my mind and writing thoughts and emotions onto my white body, this can be a pain during first impressions. The dress I wear now I have worn all my life it grows with me and lives my life as I do, besides I couldn't wear other garments if it pleased me as they disintegrate at the touch of my skin. The dress is made up of fallen stars plucked from the earth and sewn together. I have no idea what my creator had in mind when he assembled me, all dull but the faint glow of dead stars?

Horrid indeed and what on earth was he thinking when he deemed me queen of words. I hate them wretched little things good for nothing and nobody, mankind has but used them for gain of power, trouble.

No I am interested in living and color. Of course I have achieved neither.

Apologies for any spelling mistakes I have only written this down in a notebook. Hope you enjoyed it.
