Paper vs Digital

by David Batten-Hill
3rd December 2011


I've a finished MS (thriller/horror) which the firm that published my non-fiction book has rejected. Six agents have rejected, there are four to go in my current list.

A good friend, who's wealthy-ish, is pressing me to go straight to the e-book route, which I understand Amazon/Kindle will offer.

My gut feeling is that I don't want to 'shoot my bolt' until I can paper the wall with rejections. Any thoughts, or even experiences, concerning this approach?

Thanks, David


Hi David, I am in a somewhat similar situation, although I've not exhausted any of the routes you've taken. I am on my third novel (the first two are sitting in a drawer somewhere and I find them too stupid to share with a public!) and this time would like to publish.

A contributor on this forum has provided me with valuable advice regarding eBook on smashwords. I have come to this conclusion: if you want to publish and money is not a big factor, then eBook appears to be the better option as you retain complete control over your book. With a publisher (let's face it, how many of us will trigger a bidding war?) you pretty much sign your work over to them.

You can go eBook and that does not preclude a paper publication down the road. And who knows, may be you'll even end up better off financially.

Good luck!

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