
by Cuppa Tea
20th July 2016

How to go on without losing hope?

I have recently been rejected by three agents for my work, which has been in the making for seven years. I have a passion for books and take them seriously, but fear that I am not getting any attention because everything is dumbed down these days, and all agents want is stupidity.

It's sickening the authority these people have. At the push of a button they can make or break you. They have no idea how devastating they are to those who are passionate about writing.

I can't stand seeing terrible books in bookshops about toilet humour and yet my work isn't being given the time of day. The opinion of one person should not dictate what the public will like, especially if the agents are bias, narrow-minded and are into trash and wouldn't know quality if smacked them in the face.


I'm sorry I forgot to say good evening, good evening. I know it probably seems like I am using this post to trash agents and that is exactly what i'm doing, only joking. But I just feel that the way in which somebody becomes published is wrong. Agents should have a passion for books, not a passion for money. And work should be judged by a panel of different individuals, instead of this lazy skim and bin system by people who have worked their way up from coffee maker.

Profile picture for user custardt_40045
270 points
Developing your craft
Cuppa Tea

I'm sure these people are professionals. Look at all the best loved British stories that were rejected countless times, they clearly knew what they were doing. It took an American to recognise the talent in Roald Dahl, thank goodness. 11 British agents turned his Charlie and the Chocolate Factory down, and to think his stories would not be apart of our lives if it were up to our 'professional' agents. And with social media, we get to see how truly idiotic these people are. Professionals indeed. Glorified admin.

Profile picture for user custardt_40045
270 points
Developing your craft
Cuppa Tea

I shall have to try harder!!!


Profile picture for user paul_garside
330 points
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Crime, Mystery, Thriller
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Paul Garside