Struggling with grammer?

by Sophie Barlow
13th April 2013

Im sure we all have horror storys. I find correct grammer use to be a complete mine field. (this is after having extra tuition for my whole school life, writing to try and combat my dyslexia, having software that is supposed to highlight these silly mistakes) Problem is I know im going wrong, but im not sure where or why. Reading aloud is supposed to highlight most of the flaws. but sometimes the intonation of ones own voice hides them even more. I have been saying to myself get the content reading well and then buy an editor, but its hard to get constructive reviews when you have a colon in the wrong place... and even harder for a reader to keep in the plot if they are spotting gramatical errors. So what im after here, from the community, are hints and tips for your own gramatical editing. How do you spot a sentence that is not working; how do you know when a comer should be a full stop? It would be great to hear other horror storys too.


Well...I'm not the best with grammar. It was something my education simply lacked, through one reason and another.

Whenever I write anything all those awful bloody wiggly lines crawl over the page. I'm also a lazy typer, so it's typos galore!

But I have found that simply writing a lot has led to improvements. Also when a mistake is highligted do not immediately use the spellchecker: try and figure it out for yourself. this ay sound like it will lead to frustration. It does, but it also helps the lesson sink in. You get a better grasp of where you are going wrong rather than relying on something else to correct it for you.

Another tip: when you are reading aloud over emphasise the parts where the stress lays. This will help you understand where commas (short pauses, or almost asides) and full stops (end of point, pause for significance, pace etc) should be.

To those thinking about purchasing editors...As a poor person this kinda makes me wince. Try joining or creating a writer's circle first. Post your stories, or chapters if working on a book, and get feedback. You'll find grammatical errors and clunky sentences will soon get picked up upon and you can correct them as you go. And in doing so learn how to improve your craft as you write.

When the book is done try and find lots of beta readers. They really should not charge! whether it be friends, family, other writers you have connected with. Your grammar may be weak but no doubt you have other strengths which you could then apply when returning the favour.

Hope this helps :)

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I recommend that you read your work aloud.

You could try,

They boast they are the world's best grammar checker. May be members of your family could share the monthly fee.

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I struggle sometimes with Grammar, well commas primarily.

I never know when or where to put commas in. I seem to over use the comma and have too many floating about.

I try and rectify it to the best of my ability, but it's a struggle. I read it out loud. I also read it slowly. Doing both those things helps to some degree, but not entirely.

I'm going to have to invest in an editor myself, but god knows where I'm going to get the cash from, but I'm a long way of finishing my novel anyway, so I'm not going to worry about it yet!

Good luck and I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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