Violent scenes

by Victoria Limbert
26th March 2012

I am not sure if this will be a silly question, but a story I will be writing soon has a very abusive theme, which I obviously want to approach with some sensitivity, so I was wondering if anyone else has written physical, mental or sexual abuse in to their stories and how they went about it as I do not want to come across as insensitive :)


Hi Victoria

The mind is so incredibly powerful. It can recall something hugely traumatic in the most incredible detail and dwell on the most painful or even the most bizarre aspects of that trauma. It can recall the detail in the minutae and go over and over it again, and yet when it happens in the moment, it can sometimes be too clinical. I would say it depends on what your character is like. I would suggest that trauma described in a flashback could be more demanding to write than the character suffering in the present tense. Only you can decide which will be more appropriate for the character and the plot.

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Isabella Hynde

Yes I am very thankful for the comments. I have also tried to write rape and found it very difficult, but more so because I spent so much time trying to be sensitive, when its actually no where near a sensitive subject. Its brutal in fact, So this has given me plenty to think about.

Would you say writing flashbacks of violence is easier than the character suffering in the present tense? (aimed at Isabella's comment)

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Victoria Limbert

I found the comments thought-provoking, too. I have to write an attempted rape, so thanks to all for the tips.

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