What is your FAVOURITE comment of all time on this forum?

by Jimmy Hollis i Dickson
6th March 2017

A few days ago, I sent an e-mail to Clare Williams and Victoria Fielding. In it I asked, ‘Have you read Daphne’s brilliant comment on Adrian’s latest Q?

‘Possibly the 2nd best comment that I’ve ever seen on Q&As.’

Clare fell for the bait almost immediately: ‘If that was the second best, what was the #1?’ Victoria hasn’t yet asked the question: I assume that she’s been too busy scraping porridge and jam out of her (and her family’s) hair.

Alright, here are MY favourite 2 comments of ALL TIME on Q&As.

#2 https://www.writersandartists.co.uk/question/view/2823 Q: ‘Are you a pantser, or did you plan your novel?’

Daphne Milne’s A: ‘I had a plan for a three volume novel. It had a plot, several sub plots, various characters, and ramifications all the way to Timbuctoo. It ended up as a 16 line poem. I read it a lot at literary festivals, it always gets a laugh.’

Please visit that page and give her a few more thumbs up: she well deserves them!

p.s. The poem is GOOD, too!


I’ve just run several Internet searches, using variations in phrasing the Q, in order to trawl up #1, but I either get thousands of results… or just 2 or 4, none of which is the original. However, in my own Q of some years back, ‘Can we ask Kate Baxter to bring out a book of her one- and two-liner comments on Q&A here?’ (https://www.writersandartists.co.uk/question/view/2173), I [evidently] paraphrased the question thus:

Q: What do you say when people ask you what you're writing at the moment?

Kate took one reply box to A: ‘Words.’ (A pretty good reply, you must admit.) Then she took another box for a reply about which the Germans would so expressively say, “Das ist der HAMMER!”

A: ‘On a good day, sentences.’

Where are you now, Kate? I miss you terribly!


Soooooooooooooooo… what is/are YOUR favourite comments on Q&As? (Please give Q AND A – and URL, if possible.)


This poll has only harvested funny comments so far. I'd like to mention an EXCELLENT reply by Emilie at https://www.writersandartists.co.uk/question/view/2881

Dead serious... but bleedin' good advice! It's too long to quote. So go visit that link.

Profile picture for user wilhelmi_40676
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Wilhelmina Lyre

Deffnitly in the running: Jummy's first 2 comments on https://www.writersandartists.co.uk/question/view/2869

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van Damm
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Emilie van Damm

Thanks Jimmy, glad you liked the poem[s] and I'm very happy to have a piece of writing called 'brilliant'.

Profile picture for user dvoncorn_47261
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Daphne Milne