Testimonials - Editing Services

Editing services - testimonials

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Agony Agent

"Given me the confidence to push forward in new directions that will work for me [and] gave an insight into the factors that matter when it comes to looking for an agent after a time of self publishing […] I would highly recommend it." Francesca Catlow

"I used the service to help with submissions rather than my book, and the agent did a good job putting my mind at ease […] I needed a professional opinion on my journey, and she provided precisely that." Jessica Wilkinson

"It was easy to use and I get to ask an agent a question about my work and get a response without having to wait months for a reply. Very reassuring and helpful." G Ansell

"Brilliant idea, I love, love, love it! A bit like the ‘how to hook an agent’ event, it helps you see that agents are just people, too. It helps demystify the process and at the same time gives you wonderful, personal advice." K Jennings

Bespoke Mentoring

"Alex is a skilled and empathetic editor and mentor. His knowledge of both the creative writing, and publishing process has been invaluable. He is also skilled at being able to put across complex messages with the power of good examples. It means that with his help I have developed as a writer at the same time as improving my manuscript." James Pearce

"It's been a good experience working with Craig, and it's brought the novel forwards a long way. He said he hoped to make the story as good as he could, and I think he's done that. It has become a much richer book with a strong dual narrative set within contemporary themes that make it an appealing commercial read." Dave Pescod

"As someone with no previous creative writing background and unpublished in novel writing, [my mentor] has been incredibly helpful and I have learnt a lot about the mechanics of fiction writing in such a short period." Augustine Marrah

"I thought [Cressida’s] reports exemplary in their insight and helpfulness. I found the sharpness and constructiveness of her formal or aesthetic sense remarkable, and particularly helpful." Matt Jordan

"I fully trusted [my mentor] with my characters and their story because I knew she cared about them just as much as I did." Helen Hudson

"I was most impressed by Cressi’s ability to swiftly grasp what the plot and characters needed. Cressi helped me gain confidence as a writer; she treated me like an authentic novelist and gave validation to my writing. She handled my work with encouragement and professionalism." Liz Chettur

"It was very useful to work with Penny Walker. Her intelligent feedback was gold for me. Thank you Penny!" Teresa Viarengo

How Strong is Your Book Idea?

"Invaluable, providing me with comprehensive and incisive feedback, and giving me the confidence to continue developing my ideas." Tor Stromme

"It is extremely useful getting feedback on your novel at such an early stage. Both professionals highlighted some potential pitfalls with the novel - which (thankfully!) I can now avoid. They also pointed out what was good about it, which is very encouraging. I am really excited about finishing this novel now." L M Rees

"For a first time novel writer, I found this product very useful as a way to receive constructive criticism and professional opinion on the merits of my book idea. It has certainly encouraged me to keep going." Karen Barnes

“For value for money it is excellent, there can't be many places where an editor and agent will take their time to review an idea at such an early stage.” Henry Croft

“Great idea to give feedback so early in the writing process.” Chhmi Tenduf-La

"Gave me exactly what I needed. This report has given me renewed enthusiasm for my project, and plenty of thoughts to think about as to how I can improve and make the story better as a whole." Jacob Collins

"This was fantastic feedback and exactly what I needed. The problems I knew I had were highlighted, and a few points I wasn't sure about were explained [...] My work is still in the first draft stage so having the book's idea described with words such as 'strong' and 'cracking' is an incredible boost." Lin Churchill

"Very informative and helpful with constructive criticism." Jack Carey

"The report gave me invaluable feedback on what I need to work on to strengthen the idea." Andrea Barker  

"I would recommend this service as it's coming from "people in the know" who are going to tell it like it is." Nikki Robinson

Opening Chapters

"We had a great chat, bounced ideas, and Sara really got me thinking of upping my game. The result is a re-write, but this version really has more depth; and I am enjoying the new ride." Marc McGowan

"Gave me great encouragement to dive back into my manuscript and look at it in a different way. [The editor's] thoughtful critique and understanding of the story I really wanted to tell has helped me understand my work so much more." Ryan Love

“Natalie's edit was just what I was looking for. Concise, accomplished and never a stone left unturned.” Robert Rawlings

"The feedback I got on my children's story was very detailed and I am very grateful to the experts who read them. I felt a kindness towards me as a writer. which is very encouraging.'" Fiona Cobb

"This service helped me with the key concerns I had about my writing and the discussion led to easier decision-making about the way forward. The report provided useful practical support and tips." Marianne Marshall


Full Manuscript Review

"Craig’s input and suggestions were invaluable, especially in deepening my characters and picking up inconsistencies in the timeline, and I know the book is much stronger as a result." Jo Pepper

"Natalie was very straightforward on the pros and cons of the nitty gritty of my storytelling – structure, dialogue, characterisation – offering her advice on what worked and what didn’t work, what needed improving, changing, cutting out, and so on, but in a way that was supportive and positive. She offered examples of what she felt were my strongest areas and how I could develop those, as well as general guidance on how I could expand my knowledge of contemporary literature and the styles and impact needed in making commercially viable stories. She took an interest in the reasons for my writing and how the subjects I wanted to express myself via the characters either came through, or needed more work, and the balance required for a successful story that maintains readers’ interest. It is clear she has worked with first time novelists and understands the commitment needed to finish a project without being too fawning or too critical in her constructive feedback. It was definitely worth the investment in having an experienced professional review my story and has given me a lot to think about when it comes to writing my next.” Rob Rankine

"I found this service to be incredibly useful [...] Helped me to get my book on the path to publishable quailty. Alex's advice always navigated that fine line between firm, fair and sensitively put. I can't thank him enough." Alexander Headley-Brown

"Sara Starbuck was a source of encouragement at a time when I was looking for fresh advice and a boost of confidence with my novel, Not Alone. Her advice was warm and nurturing, whilst also balanced and sharp, and it helped me lift the next draft of the story. I went on to submit to agents some time after this and finally found my agent." Sarah. K Jackson

"Alex Hammond’s insightful and supportive manuscript review was the boost I needed to fully realise all the work that I’d put into my novel. It was professional, thoughtful and right on the button in every way. He helped me gain the necessary distance from my work and see what needed developing and what my next steps should be. I feel extremely buoyant going forward with the next draft of my book, and confident that I can work it into a fit shape and ready to be submitted to agents." Adrian Harris

“I highly recommend Sara to any aspiring writer. Sara understands not only the mechanics of story writing, plot construction, and character development but also makes an effort to understand the motivations of the author behind the story. I could not have asked for a better editor. Her thoughtful analysis of my manuscript made me fall in love with it all over again, and helped me identify precisely the spots that need more work.” Sadie Noni

"There comes a time when writing a first draft that you inevitably have to show someone the work you've done, which can feel a little (or a lot) daunting. Rachel made the whole experience completely painless, constructive and enjoyable. She pulled out key points to refine my writing without losing a sense of the original work. She also confirmed queries I had and tweaked areas I didn't realise needed tweaking - all while being direct, yet still kind." Chelsea Anderson

"After two years work on my first novel I was totally worn out but after receiving Alex Hammond's book report I was full of enthusiasm, motivation and raring to go on what I hope will be the last edit. His comments on what I'd done well and what could be improved were spot on and I'm more than happy to recommend him." Kim Brooke

"It gave me such a boost because […] someone saw potential in my writing. I was teamed up in a magical partnership with author/editor Sara Starbuck, whose enthusiasm for my story breathed new life into me, and my novel." Dawn Maria Kelly

"Alex is an amazing editor. I have everything I need to revise the manuscript." Craig Moloney

"It gave me ideas of where to work to improve the end product.  We also had a very good discussion on how to get published and the possibility of self-publishing." Graham Addison

"Penny’s feedback has taken my stories to a new level, which is precisely what I was looking for. She gently steered me to consider different options and gave me confidence to keep going. Not only are my stories much better now, but I have learned a lot from the experience and am more confident about approaching agents." Mahrukh McDonald

"What a delightful editor and has a great sense of humor too... I have much work ahead but I am inspired. Her validation of my work is something I have waited to hear for a very long time." Meagan Sheeler

"Very valuable and exactly what I needed if I'm to progress as a professional writer. I'm very grateful for your help, understanding and encouragement." Virginia Bazlington

"It is the first objective professional feedback I have received on my work and has been invaluable in deciding which direction I should take next. I recommend it to anyone wondering about their next step!" Mark Rudd

"Gave me the encouragement to submit to agents, which I have now done." Margaret Swarts

Beat the Rejection Clinic

“The consultation was extraordinarily helpful. A terrific service to fledgling writers.” Robert Nadon

"Valuable feedback on both my cover letter and synopsis as well as some tweaks to my opening chapters. Thérèse asked pertinent questions about the story arc and characters, and was clearly engaged in helping me refine my proposition to make it the best it can be." Nigel Cooper

"Extremely valuable insight, both into what I'd got right and... what I could improve upon. Samar was supportive and very positive about my work and definitely showed me where I wasn't quite hitting the spot. The best two-hundred quid I've spent in my writing journey so far. If a newbie writer has done the graft [...], revised not just the manuscript but also the synopsis and cover letter, and they're still getting 'not quite right for us' letters, using this service, you can 'submit to an agent' as you normally would, but you actually get feedback on what works and what doesn't." Fliss Zakaszewska

"I finally had the helpful feedback I needed on my submission materials. We went in detail through all of my questions and I felt much more confident about my upcoming pitch." Joana Avi-Lorie

"Gave me clear and concise ways to improve my query materials and look at my project through the eyes of an agent. The agent was sharp and professional. But she wasn’t there to tear me down. She was there to show me where I shine and where I still needed to polish (so I can shine even more)." Bec Sato

"It was wonderful to be able to sit around a table and discuss my work with an expert like Emma. She provided me with a huge amount of useful information. Her professional advice and guidance were invaluable to me." Steph Upton

"It was just what I needed! Very constructive." Eva Stenborre

'The agent went above and beyond what I had expected. I came away inspired, enthused and more importantly...ready'. 
Freya Morris

"Very useful, particularly in spotting a couple of flaws that I already suspected were there, but - after several drafts - no longer had the enthusiasm to fix." Sean Barker

""Extraordinarily useful suggestions for my current book, as well as broad brush strokes which will help with future writing."" Alison Gardiner

"You will be at the top of the slush pile for thirty minutes of intensive discussion with an agent, and you will find out how (or if) you can bring your manuscript to a professional level." Will Fraser

"Juliet was friendly, open and engaging. She provided practical guidance on how I could improve my MS and was very honest in her assessment of strengthening my story [...] I left the session with more confidence and with a very clear idea of what I should change and what my next steps should be." Farheen Kahn