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Saveas Writers' International Writing Competition 2021
SaveAs Writers launch their annual international creative writing competition, this year asking for poems and short stories on the theme of Horizons...
How To Write Horror Fiction
23rd June 2021 7:00pm to 8:30pm, Online


What are you afraid of? Join acclaimed author Kirsty Logan for this evening...

The Hero's Journey
1st September 2021 7:00pm to 8:30pm, Online

The Hero’s Journey is the writer’s map, providing all that is vital to brilliant, page-turning storytelling in a few key milestones. In this...

Manuscript Submission Masterclass: Fiction
25th August 2021 6:00pm to 8:00pm, Online

This masterclass isn’t about writing craft, it's about how to give you and your book the best possible chance when it comes to approaching...

Writing Media Tie-Ins (A Spectrum Writers London Event)
29th May 2021 8:30pm to 10:00pm, Zoom
Ever wonder how one gets to write a Star Wars novel? Our panelists discuss their experiences working with licenced IPs, with tips for you!
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Manuscript Submission Masterclass: Children's & YA Fiction
23rd November 2021 6:00pm to 8:00pm, Online

This masterclass isn’t about writing craft, it's about how to give you and your children's book the best possible chance when it comes...

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