CompletelyNovel | is a friendly publishing platform specialising in high-quality print-on-demand. They have heaps of impartial advice covering all areas of self-publishing.
The Creative Penn |
The website of Joanna Penn, writer, speaker and creative entrepreneur – filled with free resources, advice articles and videos on every aspect of self-publishing.
The Independent Publishing Magazine |
This online magazine launched in late 2007 with the purpose of providing essential information, resources and reviews of publishing service providers. In the beginning our exclusive focus was self-publishing and POD (Print-on-demand) technology. However, over the past three years, with the increasing and rapid changes in the publishing industry, The Independent Publishing Magazine also focuses on self-publishing and independent publishing within the publishing industry, now, over in the coming years.
Reedsy |
Reedsy has an online marketplace where you can connect with freelance editors, designers, ghostwriters and other publishing professionals. They also have free book-editing and typesetting tools as well as many blog posts providing writing and publishing tips.
The Alliance of Independent Authors |
The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) is a non-profit, professional association for self-publishing writers. ALLi offers advice, support, education, contacts and community to author-publishers. Its global team of advisors and partners work together within and outside the publishing industry to foster ethics and excellence in self-publishing and encourage success.
Self-Publishing Advice |
This is ALLi's self-publishing advice centre, which contains advice articles, daily blogs, a bi-weekly podcast, ratings of self-publishing services, contests and awards and a bookshop where you can purchase ALLi books directly from them, or from your favorite online retailer.
Wattpad |
A great online writing community and the perfect place to test new stories and receive honest feedback. Many writers, both traditionally and self-published have flexed their writing muscle on this site.
Whitefox |
Whitefox is a creative agency that provides book production, sales and distribution services to writers looking to publish independently. Their blog is updated regularly with insightful articles and in-depth resources to help aspiring authors discover the essential information they need to self-publish.