The Adventures of Hamish Blonde

by Robert Dodds
22nd August 2014

The Adventures of Hamish Blonde: The Secret Magical Handkerchief of Crinkly Wigs

Genre: Children's Action and Adventure

Target Age: 7-11

Brief synopsis (intended for back of book)

Agent Hamish Blonde is the best spy in the service. But deep in the dark underworld of master criminals lurks a ring of evil geniuses intent on their ultimate objective - to become...invincible!

Agent Blonde and his trusty sidekick are soon hot on the trail of the most evil of evil geniuses. But perhaps this time they have met their match. It seems evil is always one step ahead.

Unless Agent Blonde can foil a wicked plot, the historic town of Crinkly Wigs faces a most unthinkable peril.

Chapter 1. Agent Blonde

Agent Blonde is a secret agent codenamed ‘Blonde’.

And of course, every secret agent needs a trusty sidekick. Here is Agent Blonde’s trusty sidekick, Mr Celery Stick:


Mr Celery Stick is a master of disguise. He carries a trusty sidekick’s scribbling pad to scribble down all the top secret information Agent Blonde needs for his top secret missions.

Chapter 2. The Big Boss

Agent Blonde is given his top secret missions by the big boss. No-one knows what the big boss looks like. He only ever talks from top secret telephones.

The big boss’ code name is 'Ed Quarters'.

Whenever Agent Blonde’s top secret phone rang, Ed Quarters urgently needed him for a top secret mission.

The phone rang. Breep breep…breep breep.

“Agent Blonde at your service” said Agent Blonde.

Mr Celery Stick flipped open his top secret notebook, looking poised and ready to scribble.

“This is Ed Quarters” said Ed Quarters “ Agent Blonde, an evil genius is at large!”

Chapter 3. The Evil Genius

Agent Blonde loved thwarting evil geniuses. It seemed there were never enough evil geniuses at large, ready to commit evil and dastardly deeds.

“Agent Blonde” continued Ed Quarters “You must stop the evil genius before he strikes again.

Scribble, scribble, scribble went Mr Celery Stick, Agent Blonde’s trusty sidekick.

“Our intelligence tells us the evil genius is at large right here, in the town of Crinkly Wigs. You must begin your investigation at the scene of the crime.”

Chapter 4. The Scene of the Crime

The scene of the crime lay deep beneath a specialist handkerchief shop in the town of Crinkly Wigs. The owner of the shop was Mr Ronny Noses.

“The evil genius has stolen a most precious item” said Ed Quarters.

Scribble scribble scribble went Mr Celery Stick.

“The top secret item" said Ed Quarters "stolen by the evil genius from the secret underground vault is…The Secret Magical Handkerchief of Crinkly Wigs.”


I've included a very brief synopsis and the first four chapters.

Profile picture for user bob.dodd_35502
270 points
Developing your craft
Robert Dodds

Hi Robert

I don't know how to approach this at all. Is it a synopsis of four chapters, or the first four pages, or an outline/first draft?

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