Akasha el Génesis de la Rebelión

by Crismar Sanchez
28th September 2016



Later that day:

I just fixed my gaze to where they had it, trying to remember how and when had begun this feeling between us?, perhaps the time had passed without have realized what was happening between us, it was so strong, I could only think of that specific day, the first meeting:


10 years ago...


It was a small room, 5th grade at Public School People, full of children screaming everywhere, the teacher, Miss Lilian, very similar to those drawn in the books, long hair in a bun, wore a flowered dress, her smile was the light that lit up the room, the smell of spring flowers filled the room, and although it was sometimes strict in turn was very sweet most of the time.

He was writing an activity on the board, as he did, Mike (my best friend so far;. his mother was the best friend of my mother until my mother took the love of his father both had only time to speak at school, in the park, vacation or where we could see us) and I were talking about what we would do in summer?

Suddenly I saw him enter, her blond hair like sunshine in summer, her lips a shade of red as cherries, and his gaze was lost, he was the shyest man I had met, had his clothes a little scruffy, the teacher will presents to everyone, and he does sit on the bench which is next to my friend, it seems that only stay there doing nothing, he had no such joy and encouragement to do so; long after she knows because of his attitude.

Mike saw it, the greeting:

_ Hey bory, welcome!

He turned to him and said,

_ Thank you!

From that meeting, we begin to establish a relationship of friendship inseparable.


The sound of bullets directed at us, brought me back to reality, Oh God !!, must run as fast to escape them, we are attacking, we seek refuge behind my coming Betha, we ran without stopping, I could see that Angel was wounded in the foot, but we should continue, we could not leave it there, so between the boys held him to achieve out of this, without letting gonna get us.

_ Dayton where we?, I asked a hurry.

_ To the right, Lea takes Betha, she is very tired.

_ Let Betha !, follow me, we'll do it together, we will.

_ I know Leahna but I'm scared.

Although we were in a rush and frightened at the time, did not want her to see me worried, so I decided to go after her and so encourage her to move forward, it was necessary that we were all together, not decay none.

We only need a little to get boys, said Dayton motivating, (held in his hands a 3D GPS, which I could see from where we were, and give the exact location of those who came behind us, it gave us an advantage for escape and reach the island).

And so without any consideration, he was there in front of us, the great suspension bridge! God, yes that is intimidating, his constant movement, the spaces between rung and rung, like forgetting how hard it would put us all to cross; it I remembered the first time I had contact with, we had crossed but with help, so we had no way to reach the other side, knowing it to be as soon as possible, before they found us. We decided to stop to think what we would do.

_All must cross, says Mike.

They must pass two by two, so we help; it was the only way we had to get across and save us from the guards.

Louhbain and I said that if it was safe, he looked unstable, previously we used a rope throwing a gun hook, which was above the head and we facilitated the transfer to the other side of the island, there placed a waist harness each with a hook, using hands glided us to cross were also many so fast, and we were frightened, perhaps going back.

I'll go first with Beck, I need someone strong, well I'll take the rope to make a stand and everyone can lean on it, says Angel.

No!, will not go first, it's not safe for you, someone should go first, you need that support more than all of us, you're hurt, right ?, Mike replied looking at him.

He approached me and placing his hands on my face, stared at me and said: _ I'll be fine !!! I'm the only one who can do it, you trust me. I will wait on the other side of the bridge ... Mike take care of you, trust him, will guide you.

It is impossible to imagine that at that moment, he and I would connect our eyes, was a feeling reciprocated but no words to describe it, meaning how we felt about each other. Every time we got the chance to say and express what we felt were difficult and trying circumstances, perhaps or perhaps be time to talk, and I remembered that one afternoon:


When we were in 8th grade, we arranged to meet in the schoolyard, when Mike and I arrived, we realized we were hitting someone (most often loved to get in trouble, although it was not us, sometimes we were defending the righteous, but we just liked to fight), they had surrounded, at that time I could see his eyes, it was Angel, they were hitting many times, grab one and throw it to the ground, Mike hit another with a stick in that they moved away, had reached the Director screaming to be let.

The lay on the ground, bleeding from the nose, as I could I got up, took me by the shoulder and said:

_I'm fine!!!

_ Why were you hitting? Angel accuse you, you cannot afford to continue treating you well.

_ No, peaceful, just and recovered what interested me.


He stared at me, and his hand pulled the locket I had in my locker, (when he saw them doing, chased and asked them to return what they had taken from my locker, but there were many more than he did, and as it was the smallest of the class), they had stolen from there. Just hugged him and thanked him.

The medallion was a gift from my father (President) when I was born, I said whispering in the ear in the crib: it is my princess heart, and someday that would medallion key wrench my life !.


    At that time I return itself, Angel says goodbye to me, simply let go of my hand that had held me when I asked him to not cross, he and Beck began to cross the bridge, they were laying the cable suspension would hold the rest of us.

As they crossed, I kept thinking about all this; knowing that we would be in danger, but we should do everything possible to save humanity...

Mike had to stay calm, girls were scared because if we returned to find perhaps die, in addition to the bridge was unsafe to where we fall. But he kept fat and explained how we were going to cross to get to the other end.

_Mike do not think this is safe!, is better to return, Lt. understood that we did because we wanted to go home, he says Lauren facing the bridge.

_No Can do Lauren, you know that if we become immediately killed, says Lou and Dayton, or perhaps think they are there to help, they betrayed us. Mike responds.

_ Of course Lauren must move forward, says Betha.

While all of them were arguing, I could only think:


And everything went back to that moment when this became our lives as madness began, knowing what we should happen to be here, see a time when a simple exchange my life decision. It was not hard to forget, memories were still fresh in my memory. Like that day when we returned to rediscover way to college.


     Just was summer when I went to the University of Oregon. Arrive a little late, past 9:00 a.m.

 The University of great prestige and recognition for many children of leaders, as my Father did not trust anyone besides having me watched for him, everybody hated us because they thought my father was to blame for everything that happened in the country. (At that time they were looting, strikes, but did not understand why there was so much discontent, my country was beautiful and rich, as it could divide people, the lust for power, or was another possibility).


That fixed my Father enters the call:

_¡ Is just one year Dad! ...

I know you do a lot missing, but I just have this year and be able to work in your office, with your computer.

Although, on second thought, I enchant me as Father, but as head would be a battle.

_Sweetheart, know that you and your sisters are everything to me, and of course you should come to work with me, but how would protect your safety?, also know who suits you and no. Laughs

_He Dad, I think it's time to accept Robert, is a good boy, soon to be Senator, and comes from a good family.

Baby _ of course, especially being my enemy party.

_Daddy!, You know no one is your enemy but yourself. And I love you, but the truth is that I love Robert, and I know it will be good. Without realizing that just turning the corner would be true love.

Hey, if I go, I love you, and remember, even in the distance, just you and me.

_And Even in dreams, just you and me, I love you sweet, take care.

I hang up the car phone.

I left my car, and when I am about to cross the street (walked that day without bodyguards, because I escape for a while because I wanted to be alone at that time), I looked up, and there he was, had so long without knowing one the other, had gone to study far.

In high school graduation I wanted to tell her how I felt about him, but I think it was not the time; (Pause) and we were there face to face, as now on the bridge, and shouted:

_Angeeell !!!!

He turned to look at me, at that moment, out of nowhere came a white van, or was a van?, had a peculiar color, with prints, did not understand what was happening at that moment, the van was crossed between the two, trying to look to see if Angel was right, when he started I realized that he was not, he was taken hostage, ran after them, shouting, and 2 blocks stop (thought I would release), two men got out with cowls and I grab me; I began to fight with all my strength, kicking and screaming but it was impossible, I tied, gagged, blindfolded and put me in the van.

I was scared, did not know they were going to do with us two, because we would know who kidnapped?, was I?, what was happening?, and if we kill?, not have the chance to see my family, my mother would be frightened, my sisters, but also thought Angel was here with me, and I never had a chance to say what I felt for him. There was something very peculiar in the van, was a smell of flowers is like one of those vans where they hand flower arrangements, but it was very little he could perceive, she was shaking, and I could not say anything to him, or ask men why and where they were taking us ?, played just wait.

During the tour, I was detailing the voices, trying to guess what was going on around us, who is possibly involved in all this, but they were speaking another language, it was something lebanese, or German, did not know much for sure. I also remembered the smell of flowers was inside, the smell was like when I played in the garden of my house, lived many happy moments with family and friends, my mother always planted all kinds of flowers, but they seemed to sense more was the tulip, she is very thorough, maybe that inherit from it !.

I wanted to mourn or cry for someone to hear me, but none of that would be possible, just waiting to take us to the place where they had said, and I could understand that they would take us to a place far away. I was hoping I was with Angel, but for how long?

There was also something there to remind me Mike, my best friend, did he was there, he would be involved in all this ?, did not know, could not see or speak.

In addition I had been stripped of my stuff (watch, cell, rings), after a while, we stopped at a place, from there we got out of the van and took us on a trail, were about 2 hours on foot, we were exhausted when we got to where we moved, in which only heard the sound of a running engine, and smelled much gasoline, I thought maybe it would be in a station or a factory, I made up some stairs quickly, enter a cab or something, pushed me, and immediately fell to the ground.

He wanted to know where I was, try to listen everything possible to identify people that I had just kidnap, but was impossible ?, every so often felt like they kept coming more people and threw them beside me, also thought what if Angel yet still with me or took him to another place, and if they had killed ?, could only have faith that you were there.

Maybe those people kidnapped for ransom us from our parents, but if it were so, Angel?, Because he did not have his parents.


(His parents died in an accident, say it was caused by, began to mourn and distracted her father, and had no time to dodge a truck that came before them, he went to live with his grandparents).


What if there was an attack against the country?, Hadeón group as revenge, they wanted to destroy everything and become recruits for that. Was very scared, I was scared of losing my family, and could only mourn in silence.

In that, I felt the vibration, we were moving, the plane began to take off, I think we would be out of the country, inside the plane was heard several crying, you could feel the despair of many, fear not take long from sunrise (1:45) as we started to descend.

He could feel when we touch land, grinding his rubbers, and the smell of burning, stopped, the men took away the gag to give us something to eat and drink, (it was all we could do as they would not let us even stand up or stretch your legs); hours had passed since the kidnapping.

A piece of bread with some padding and water, I could hear the cry of a girl, her accent could tell it was not from around here, shouting that he would call his father was military, they did not know who they were dealing with, all be murdered, I guess obstinately the guard, do not listen more, perhaps gagged or killed.

_ Only Could you tell me where we are ?, I asked.

_ You eat, it's what you should do for now, with an American accent, with features of German.

They said nothing more, we immediately gagged again and we stood up to walk through a rocky terrain, during the walk, I thought that if Angel and Mike were with me, none of this would happen, we would have defended, but not knowing counterattacks we fought, and though they were so many times we could fight, I just thought she was alone there, remembering all this, and not knowing if it would end soon (we killed).

They rose again to another truck, was a wooded lot, a distance I could hear birds, the breeze hit the leaves of the trees, the fragrance of rain around where we passed, it was like a mountain, I imagine it would have rained hours earlier. Upon arrival, which was a large shed, we were forced to form another row, after that, we removed the blindfolds and gags.

He is trying to find some reference, or try to distinguish something or someone, but it was all blurred by time with blindfolds on, but just could not even breathe better; let us wives if we tried to escape, but was too tired to run, imagining that others would be the same.

It was at night, because little light was seen, around us were armed men, was a great place, had trucks, and as an office, plus cells behind us.

There we were in a row, almost at the tip was Angel was still alive (that made me very happy), but somewhat beaten and he looked tired, turned to me, I smiled, he murmured, "everything will be fine," but I I knew that nothing would be fine.


Beside me she was frightened, trembling with fear and cold, because we were at low temperatures by the altitude, my hands were numb, she was crying (Betha), I told him to calm down everything happen, only we should keep quiet, but the truth was that none of those who were there could be quiet, just expected something to happen.
