Alice Looking Through the Pasture GATE/1st DRAFT

by alice lynch
3rd March 2018

Alice Looking Through the Pasture Gate


Undeterrred by a cold wet, April shower. Alice took her usual afternoon walk down by the river where bunnies and birds were just beginning to embrace the smell of the warm spring. There was an overflowing river busily drowning the banks adjacent to Mr. Blain’s magnificent horse property.  It was Friday, the feeling was good, she had just finished school and the Easter break was coming soon!   Riley, her Akita ran along by her side, sniffing the earth and running squirrels into up the trees. The rain subsided and now it was drizzling Alice she pulled up her raincoat and looked up at the dark sky.


She notice, Madison, Mr. Blain’s prized stallion grazing in the field. As she reflected upon her dream to become a professional rider, she tried to find answers on how she could develop herself.. Dropping one knee to the sinkygroud and quickly throwing a few prayers up the good Lord, she believe one day, her dream would come true.


  She gazed at the gate that led into the pasture of Blaine's property. Mr. Blaine was an extremely private man whose only interest seemed to be horses. He was a prominent horse breeder and a professional rider around the Irish circuit. Mr. Blaine’s prized possession, his black stallion, Madison was worth thousands.. Alice had read about Madison’s successful career and  history in several of the newspapers and horse magazines. He had an amazing dispositon and his was light on his legs despite his size. He had a huge scopey jump.  Standing at 17.2 hands high and his ears alert for sudden dangers, Mr. Blaine was the only one that rode him.  Madiosn  always won first in all of his classes - Dressage scores in the 90s - won every show jumping class and was the champion four times running during the Champions League Tour.  Alice knew she was a talented rider, because her instructors had told her. A natural, they would say.


Alice was feeling a bit more confident today as she set to reach some goals: 1) how to enter through Mr.Blaine’s pasture gate with its sign: DO NOT ENTR painted in red . 2) put her simple request forward to Mr. Blaine that she was looking to work with horses 3) have some excuse ready in case she would be driven off the property.

“I’m willing do anything!”

“I’m flexible!’ she rehearsed the lines that she would say, when she would muster up the courage to ask Mr. Blaine for a job and now she felt she had to go froward, time was running out, so without hesitation, she made the leap over the gate and landed inside Mr. Blaine’s property and dropping like a sack of potatoes,  her heart now pounding. She listened carefully for any sounds of a watchdog. She saw Madison responding to his flight or fight instinct.  Startled , when he saw Alice he

galloped around the field. This was a no, no.


“God if he breaks a leg or gets injured!” cried Alice.

“It will be my fault!’  Instantly, she regretted jumping over the gate, but there was no where to go now. The hounds cried in the distance - they sounded like several banshiees howling.  She moved quickly as she sunk into the wet meadow. The clouds seemed to run along the fences mitigating her fear. She ducked when a small swarm of bees hummed past her.  Riley caught up and looked at her with eyes that question her departure from the usual track.  Now the rain was started to pound down.  Alice ran undera tree and call, her beloved dog, Riley.


Mr. Blane’s horse property was magnificently seated upon a big hill just north of the Cork/Limerick border in Ireland.  There was a huge stonewall surrounding the farmhouse and the house stood upright as if it was its onw master.  She could see two black cars and a huge horse box with the nmae- MADISON spelt out.  


Alice had heard that Mr. Blaine  had never married but a large lady was always seen by his side. Marge Heatpot was her name - a housekeeper. Rumor had it that she had come from London. She was always seen driving his Range Rover into town. A Blue scarf wrapped around her tiny head and what was visible was red lipstick.  She was seen accompanying him at the meet when Mr. Blaine went hunting with the Kiltass Pints.  Ms. Heatpot was always there, her unassuming stance amongst the bowler hats and black ties.


Suddenly Alice’s thoughts were interrupted, when she felt something dig into her back and when she turned around there was Mr. Blaine staring at her. Her face reddened . Mr.Blaine’s eyes dropped and he assumed that this young woman was merely young lady who had lost her way.  

“Have you lost your way?” questioned Mr. Blaine

“No...”, stammered Alice.

“What brings you into my property?” he inquired with suspicion in his eyes.

"Hmm...  she searched for words 


"What's your name?"  Alice could not look at him. she felt what she had done was wrong and now she was feeling the full blunt of it. Finally, she stammerd out the words...


“I’m looking for a job.”  

"Sir, I am so sorry"! as she looked into his eys. 


“I want to work with horses.” Alice replied and she was surprised by her confident tone.


"Alice in Pastureland!'  he smiled... 


“Hmm..” Well, if you can prove to me you can ride,  If you prove to me that you can take care of 25 stalls and if you can prove to me that you can groom my stallion, Madison, he said, then we can make a deal.


Alice felt like a ton of thoughts had hit her. The only thing she could do was ride but she had only ridden small ponies. She decided it was best to be honest with Mr. Blaine - just now meeting him for the first time, he wore a welcoming smile and his face was soft with a stubble of a beard just surfacing. He pulled out his pipe smoked it with aristocratic style and he then dug he wellington into his soft pasture  and pulled out an umbrellawhile he waited for Alice’s response.


" I have been riding since I was eight years old,"she told him. 


“I’m willing to learn!” said Alice

“I’ll do anything. I am not very experienced, she spluttered out....but, I just want to work with horses!” she lamented.


“Well,” said Mr. Blaine - I am also looking for someone who can help me with my house. My housekeeper, Ms. Heatpot will soon be on her way back to London after 10 years of excellent service.  Alice’s eyes lit up and as she stammer out the words.


“A job, anything!” Thank you.


In the meantime, Mr. Blaine invited Alice to see his farmhouse and to meet Ms. Heatpot . When Alice got to see Mr. Heatpot up close, she saw a graceful, delicate lady. Ms. Heatpot was thrilled with the though of Alice replacing her.


“Mr. Blaine is an extremely precocious man, and a skillful horse man” She claimed. If you work hard and be truthful, you will be rewarded, Mr.Heatpot then got up, put the kettle on and made a pot of Barry’s tea and already, Alice was feeling comfortable. Alice was so nervous that  She knocked over Mr. Blanie’s favorite china cup, and was surprised by Ms. Heatpot’s remark.  

“That was his mother’s cup” she said, “a very old antique.” Ms. Heatpot seemed to feel the loss not Mr. Blaine. 

“Not to worry!” Mr. Blaine said in his British accent, as he led Alice out to get a tour of the farm. Madison came to the gate, thinking it was feeding time. When Alice saw Madison up so close - she closed her eyes and made a very heartfelt wish!


The day Alice got a leg up on Madison’s back - It was like getting a leg up to heaven.  There she sunk into his back - bridle-less and with subtle movement of her body - he responded. His gait was powerful, soft and flowing and when she eased back behind the vertical after a canter that felt like she was floating. Madison came to a complete stop. There was the most profound example of rider and horse in harmony. Mr. Blane nodded and asked Alice to take Madison for a gallop -


“Don’t hold him back!” he said as he opened the gate right into the pasture. Alice rode around the pasture barely holding the horse - from behind was the power propelling him forward. Finally she arrived back breathless but overjoyed.

“How did you learn to ride like that?” Mr. Blaine asked her

“By looking through the pasture gate!” Alice laughed.  








